what Cycle while cutting?

No response on this in the "Diet" forum, moved here:

Hi folks, long time since I have posted.

We discussed this several years back, but I cannot find the thread. What is the best way to set up a cycle when in a cutting phase? IOW the only goal is to preserve muscle while losing fat. IIRC, it was a plain 6 week cycle with no negatives, 1 week SD.

I have Lyle McD.s books UD 2, etc, but the straight HST variation was a tad different.

All input appreciated.
I'm trying to cut as of recent also. I had started modified super short 2 week cycles, but I'm switching to a 3 sets/compound exercise high-rep double progression method, 3 workouts/week, total body. It will include isolation exercises for smaller muscles, but those will stay on a regular HST weight progression method since smaller muscles don't burn many calories. I figure the higher reps and sets on compounds is better for burning more calories per workout, and I figure increasing strength on them will probably preserve muscle. I think I'll start at a 20 reps/15 reps?/10 reps?, and work my way up to 25/20?/15?, at which point I'll increase poundage to knock me back down to 20 reps on the 1st set, and work my way up again. I'm just starting this, so I can't say how well it works.
Dont SD while eating in deficit. Calorie deficit plus no lifting is a recipe for muscle loss IMO. Eat at maintenance atleast.
You could then repeat the last cycle, though I'd be tempted to skip 15s. Reduce volume or frequency a little, depending on how big a deficit you're running.
Your key goal while cutting is to hit the same maxes as before. That's your best measure you're not losing muscle too much.

I'd much rather sacrifice a little volume/frequency if it means you can still hit those maxes.
Which leads me to Lyle's recommendation.
He recommends keeping bar weight the same (at your maxes) and dropping volume, but that isn't entirely compatible with HST and its mini-cycles of progression starting from sub-maximal loads.
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Trump, re "Dont SD while eating in deficit. Calorie deficit plus no lifting is a recipe for muscle loss IMO." Amen to that. At my age, not in a hurry to do anything, only shooting for 1 lb / every 2 to 4 weeks. So my deficit is only a few hundred calories per day. At 11% BF now, trying to get down to 8% or so, 5 lbs to go.

Training wise, where I have deviated from plain vanilla HST for this cycle, mostly because I am 49, stressful job, kids, etc:
- frequency = 6 days/week but same volume, ie 5 exercises per day. Trying to keep cortisol down, metabolism up

- Volume = 30 exercises / week, 1x15, then 1x10 + 1x5, then 3x5 (as usual) but here is the difference: I use 4 weeks for each block. Ala Vince Gironda, 3 weeks on, 1 off. So Week before 15s is SD, then 3 weeks to ramp up to 15 RM. For 10s and 5s, that first week is VERY light, say a big 6 for 1 set once or twice that week. Then 3 week ramp up to RM. This means I am only going to failure once a month. Better for CNS, and if you read original stuff by Bryan and Lyle McD. a longer block than 2 weeks is actually better.

Again, at my age, the gains come slow and I have to be careful with CNS burnout. So far this cycle has felt good. Will report back in the fall how it went. ;)

Hope this helps someone.