what did you do when you encounter plateau?


New Member
May I know what do you all do when you encounter plateau or sticking point in using HST?Any things to look out for?Pre exhaustion?

You need to read the FAQ e-book mate! When that starts to happen you simply go into strategic deconditioning, you take off all training for 9 - 14 days!
Because of SD I haven't thought about a plateau yet. My joints are usually the reason why I SD although for my first few cycles I just did 2 weeks of 5s, 2 weeks of post-5s and then stopped regardless. Now I am lengthening my cycles until my joints start to complain. As yet I have never stopped a cycle because I couldn't make any progress. (I am now on my fifth cycle and my RMs are still on the increase even if only by 5 or 10 lbs a cycle. Progress is progress!)
Personally, I've never hit a plateau. What kind of plateau are you talking about? No longer gaining weight? If that's the case, then you just need to ramp up your calories as you gain weight. If you aren't gaining any more strength, then that would be a sign that you should SD.
thanks for all the replies

Actually, I am frustrated with my gains or size.Or is it me who is being too unrealistic.From time to time, I have been trying to tell myself HST would work for me.
I have read the faq.I have tried doing SD 2 weeks or one weeks.I have been using HST for about 1 year(3rd year training).I'd like to reconfirm.Is it possible to do SD more than 2 weeks?but I feel my mental and physical would be so messed up by then based on my experience on 2 weeks SD.I felt depressed and it is unbearable.

My weight has basically stayed the same.I have tried ramping up calorie.After that, I have to go into cut because of too many bodyfat.I ramped up by making home-made weight gainer using oat and whey.About strength,my strength basically still the same based on my performance.Btw, isn't the HST enable us to reuse the same weights and increments on every new cycle to further growth?As I find myself especially hard to increase weights used on my DB press and Side lateral raise.
I think you are probably afraid of bodyfat and that is compromising your goals. Let yourself get up to 15% before you cut. If you are already 15% then cut down to 8-10% so you have plenty of time to bulk. Then after that point, stop worrying about the fat so much and just keep bulking. Don't go on a cut until you've done at least 3 cycles with a bulking diet.
Also, you might look into your volume. Try increasing it a little and see if that helps.
Minimum 1 week if I do a 4 week cycle. @ weeks is I do a 6 week cycle. 6 weeks if I get lazy like I did this summer.
If I hit an overall plateau that is not overcome by SD, I then switch to concentrate more heavily on a lagging bodypart for a cycle and then pick another bodypart for the next cycle or I will change to 6 times per week instead of 3 with decreased volume, change reat periods between sets, employ more drop sets, change rep speed, alter diet, etc. It's never been a real problem for me and I am in my 32nd cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto,
I have read the faq.I have tried doing SD 2 weeks or one weeks.I have been using HST for about 1 year(3rd year training).I'd like to reconfirm.Is it possible to do SD more than 2 weeks?but I feel my mental and physical would be so messed up by then based on my experience on 2 weeks SD.I felt depressed and it is unbearable.</div>

I don't personally think you need to SD more than two weeks, your problem is similar to mine, afraid of getting too fat.

Tot's opinion is a good one, he has tried quite a bit of experimenting with cutting/bulking and he has a point, you should go for a three cycle bulk before you attempt to cut.

One thing you could do is to include HIIT type cardio on off days so that the fat content is not too great!

if this is not working you may be low on test, and that can only be determined by blood tests.

Hope this helps some.
(r4id3n @ Sep. 08 2006,08:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Btw, isn't the HST enable us to reuse the same weights and increments on every new cycle to further growth?As I find myself especially hard to increase weights used on my DB press and Side lateral raise.</div>
Not really. Whilst there will be overlap from one cycle to the next, you should always be pushing for an increase in your RM loads.

eg. For one cycle you might be doing:


But for the next cycle you should be pushing for:


If your RMs aren't going up and you are not cutting then you are likely not making progress. DB exercises are harder to improve in because the percentage increase from one db to the next is usually quite high. Try using a bb for your presses so you have access to smaller weight increases.

If you are only using light dbs for side laterals then you will have the same problem. Try just going with standing bb presses until you can shift at least 150lbs+ for 5s. You can increment these much more easily and do push-presses (where you use your legs to help lift the weight) during post-5s.
I agree with Lol.

If you have been doing HST for a year, your should have huge strength (and size) increases by now.

Bottom line is, if you are not adding weight to the bar (over time), then you are not growing.  I am always looking to push my rep maximums higher EVERY CYCLE!  If you are using the same weights from one cycle to the next, then you are not training hard enough, eating enough, or not sleeping/recovering enough.
Your muscles need stimulation to grow, and progressive LOAD is key.  This means every cycle your weights should be higher than the last cycle.  Like Lol said, even if it is only 5 lb.s per cycle, you need to up the weights. And focus on heavy compound movements, so it is easier to increases the weight each cycle...forget DB laterals, do standing barbell presses for delts! Forget things like flyes, leg extensions, any isolation exercise. You need to INCREASE YOUR STRENGTH, USE ONLY HEAVY COMPOUNDS until you get out of this plateau.
My first cycle gave me nothing, because I came off failure training into HST without a deload. Then I deloaded for 14 days, with a little cardio, came back eating for mass and exploded. So, no, a long deload won't hurt you. But it can also be uneccessary. Pay attention to how you feel. Go by the bod, not the mind, which probably can't wait to get back in the game, but don't wait too long either.
Keep a daily journal of calories and shoot for about 1 pound a week. If you don't keep a journal then the amount of calories is a crap shoot and it's going to be very difficult to get the right number.

Part of your problem is you are doing laterals; total waste of energy if you're looking to get bigger. You need to get stronger and laterals and other isolations are not going to help. Focus on getting stronger on the compounds i.e., full squats, deadlifts, dips, chins, bench, rows, standing OH press, power cleans.
I'm taking SM's advice next cycle and replacing the laterals with standing presses, or seated. I keep plateau'ing at the same weight with the db's each time; time for something else.