What did you eat today!


Active Member
What did you eat today?

I'll start.

Breakfast was 2 piece of toast on with jelly and peanut butter on couple of crackers.

Mid morning snack was protein bar and banana

Lunch Grilled Chicken with Mashed pototoes

Snack was another protein bar.

Supper will be 11 oz steak with plain white rice ( I know it should be brown)

Before bed usually 3 glasses of milk with protien bar or some cereal.

Not the best in the world…but better than all crap. I guess.

You know I always wonder how strict or clean you need to be protein.

I don’t believe in eating like crap…but eating to clean can be crazy too.
This is pretty much what I eat M-F. Since I have bulking the shake at the very end has been replaced by a pretty good before bed pig out.


fish oil
Fat Free Cheese


2% Cottage Cheese




peanut butter and banana sandwich or jelly

fish oil


Post workout

dinner (meat, carb and veggie)



Breakfast: 1/2 cup rolled oats, too much brown sugar, cinnamin, 1/4 cup 2% milk.

Snack: Yogurt, 1/4 cup almonds.

Lunch: 6 oz chicken on whole wheat w/mayo.

Snack: Dole Mandarin orange sections.

Workout shake: 1/4 whey, 10 oz 2% milk.

Dinner: Probably some microwave pasta dish with one or two of peas, broccolli, green beans, sweet potatos, or corn.

Snack: 2 oz Peanuts.

Could use more vegetables.
Great idea !
Today i have eaten like a 6 year old girl
because of some stomach problems

but yesterday i have eaten the following:

2piece of toast with peanut butter and cottage cheese
100gr. oatmeal + 300ml orangejuice
40g proteinpowder + 400ml milk + 10ml Oliveoil

4piece of toast with some turkey and cheese

200gr. Pasta with 150gr. meat

40g proteinpowder + 400ml milk
100gr. oatmeal + 300ml applejuice

pizza + extra cheese

before bed shake:
40g protein + omega3 caps 6gr.

(and some cake between the meals ;-) )
THis is what I eat pretty much all week. I bike 26km a day to get to and from work so I eat quite a bit. I am trying to switch to more energy dense snacks and foods like brownies so I can reduce the load my poor stomach has trying to eat all the time.


1 large bowl cereal
70% cocoa square
Large glass of Ice tea or lemonaid


1 cup rice with canola oil and one egg
a cup of mixed frozen then steamed veggies
1 salmon steak
4 cm slice of cheese.

Supper (im at work, free milk though)

2 granola bars
5 cups of chocolate milk
1 brownie

When I get home and before bed

3 instant oatmeal packets
a mix of granola, yogurt, raisons and maple syrupe
1 brownie
Large glass of ice tea or lemonaid

7 oclock3 eggs(1 yolk 2 whites) 1 pint of milk 30g's protein powder and cup of oats in a shake and a banana

9-10 oclock in between 4 eggs  and beans

chicken breast with pasta
1 pint of milk + 1 scone

carton of cottage cheese
oats and milk+scoop of protein

250grams extra lean mince and pasta

8 oclock protein shake with two eggs thrown in and a banana.

9 oclock
cottage cheese and green olives
glass of red wine
Breakfast: eggwhite omlette with 1 slice of american cheese, 1 slice of ham, and diced green peppers. With a cup of coffee (a little milk and a tip of sugar)

Snack: A plastic cup of walnuts

Lunch: Grilled chicken, with lettuce, a little assaggio cheese, bacon and ceasar dressing on multigrain bread

Snack II later today: Another cup of walnuts

Dinner: BBQ'd steak with a smear of BBQ sauce and steamed eggplants.

Since I am trying to cut up and burn body fat I try to limit the carbs during the week because I like to have 1 cheat meal on saturday and sundays.
Breakfast 1: Buckwheat + Chicken Breast + Liver
Breakfast 2: Buckwheat + Chicken Breast + Liver

Lunch 1: Buckwheat + Chicken Breast + Liver + Salmon Oil
Lunch 2: Buckwheat + Chicken Breast + Liver + Salmon Oil

Dinner 1: Buckwheat + Chicken Breast + Liver

Before WO: Protein Shake
After WO: Protein Shake

Dinner 2: Buckwheat + Chicken Breast + Liver
I am cutting...

breakfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 2 scoops of Muscle Milk in a blender w/ water

1st lunch: 1 chicken breast (marinated)

2nd lunch: 1 chicken breast breaded

3rd lunch: 1 chicken breast breaded

Post Workout: 40g whey, 30g dextrose, 5g creatine

Dinner: Chicken, beer, or fish w/ little to no carbs
I'm cutting as well, so...

Breakfast: omelet with beans and a lot of cheese in it, cup of milk

60 gram protein shake preworkout

big bowl of spaghetti post workout, some milk

I plan on going outside and grilling up some burgers in an hour or so. I'm fairly good at grilling, really looking forward to some nice, juicy burgers.

Probably some tuna sandwiches for a snack before bed

6 eggs scrambled ( only one egg yolk)
200 ml italian coffee
10 grams powdered amino acids


300 grams cottage cheese
100 grams Amaranth Musli
5 grams bee pollen
tea spoon cyrstalized plant sugar ( in germany called Ur-Suße, has tons of Iron)
1 banana
handful of Raisens
100 ml italian Coffee

snack 1

1 liter water, 1 Banana, 1 Apple

snack 2

Can o tuna, lettuce, corn

Snack 3

100 ml Italian coffee


Bowl of Musli
100 grams Turkey
2 alcohol Free beers ( I actually drink these during Bike Marathons as well)

Snack 4 100 ml Italian Coffee, 10 Almonds, handful Raisins and some Turkey

Todays Activities
Mid Heavy Day
all 5 x 5 Linear
Squat (110kilos)
Incline Bench (80 Kilos)
Bent 90 degree Row (80 Kilos)
Standing Press ( 60 kilos)
Dead lifts ( 110 Kilos)

12 laps in the olympic pool ( 50 meters per lap)
hmmm can someone tell me if i'm eating enough? i've only 5'7ish 150.

The average day...

1 serving of creatine
2 servings of muscle milk
1 - 2 glasses of orange juice
4 pieces of bread with cheese and 3 sunny side up eggs OR 10 oz of steak with oil
6 - 8 glasses of water
2 glasses of gaterade
1 or 2 average size chicken breasts OR a can of tuna fish with oil
2 - 4 pieces of fruit (plums, peaches, apples, and/or oranges)
1 - 2 oats and grain bars
1 yogurt
handful of pretzels
bowl of ceral or carrots or tomato
dinner is somewhat random, last nights for example was peppers, steak strips, and onions together.

thats pretty standard, i wake up probably around 12 because i end up working late(3ish) into the night and i need a lot of sleep (so thats 9 hours). thats when i take the creatine and the muscle milk and go to the gym and the list of foods is almost in that order.
Three bowls of cereal
Ham/Turkey Sandwich
Bologna Sandwich
Two Protein Shakes
Wheat Thins
Can of Tuna
Chicken Breast

-moved furniture all midmorning and early afternoon
-lifted in the evening
2% Grilled Cheese
table spoon of peanut butter

Chicken Breast Sandwhich (not grilled) 32 g protein with French Fries

Protein Bar with 2 glasses of milk

2 1/2 grilled turkey breast patties with low fat maccaroni and cheese.

handfull of peanuts.

no gym today.
I am currently cutting.

Meal1 ~10am:
1-2 servings of fiber one cereal
1 peice of fruit
3g Fish oil
1g sesamin
~3g creatine + ~3g Taurine / 8oz Juice

1 scoop whey protein
0.5 scoop milk protein isolate
8oz milk

1 scoop milk protein isolate
0-2 tsp sugar (1 today)
8oz milk
1 peice of fruit or 1 custard yogart (fruit today)
1-2 servings of assorted veggies

meal2 ~4pm:
1-2 peices of boiled chicken (1 today)
Handful of mized nuts
ocassionally 1 whole egg (not today)
1 serving assorted veggies

meal3 ~6pm:
1 Sandwich usually turkey tuna or PBJ (turkey today)
1 peice of fruit
1-2 servings of assorted veggies
3g fish oil
1g sesamin

meal4 ~8pm:
1 peice of fruit
1-2 servings assorted veggies
3g fish oil
1g sesamin

assorted veggies are: spinach leaves, cucumber slices, green beans, carrots, broccoli, and small tomatoes (fruit yeah i know) all raw.

I am also taking 3 10mg/100mg EC pills starting at 10:30 and spacing about 2hr apart.  I just started so I am slowly working up.

I dont count calories and I am rarely hungry although lately it seems to be common that I get mildly hungry by the end of my workout and just before going to bed.

read all the nutrition articles at www.johnberardi.com !

you must estimate for yourself what and how much you have to eat. if you are new to nutrition a calculator will help very much ! so you see every day what you have eaten (carbs,protein,fat)