What do feel/ look like during the deconditioning phase? What to expect?


New Member
What does it feel like? Do you notice how you feel a bit weaker? Do you feel less tense?

What to expect during those 2 weeks?

Many thanks for sharing your experience, so far I am loving my first HST cycle :)

In the beginning I fell stronger and more rested. Towards the end I get bored and want to get lifting again.
From my understanding sd is 7-9 days not 2 weeks. At least that's how long I take off 5 - 7 days max. I wouldn't say feel weaker, but I notice that my muscles aren't as full of blood as when training for obvious reasons. I try keeping my diet up to the same amount of intake while training. During my time off, I'm preparing my new cycle unless I choose to do something else.
It should really only be a full week off. We assume you are lifting Mon, Wed, Fri (or if you are doing an intermediate routine, then Mon,Tue,Thurs, Fri) which means you will have that Sat and Sun off, the whole next week off then resume on the following Monday, so one week off plus that prior weekend = 9 days off. You can take more time off if you want but I don't recommend it. Research shows a spike in satellite cells on the 10th day off from training, so returning to lifting on that day should mean more growth potential.
I felt really bored, we went to the gym and just did low impact light cardio, I found myself walking over the the weight section and being like, "bro are you going to lift all of that or can I have some?"
What does it feel like? Do you notice how you feel a bit weaker? Do you feel less tense?

What to expect during those 2 weeks?

Many thanks for sharing your experience, so far I am loving my first HST cycle :)


You'll 'fill out', so to speak and look 'fuller', more stuffed full etc. That's glycogen filling out the muscles.

By the end of SD, you should be at your max size for your current state.
I just got done with my first cycle of HST and am on the last day of SD now. I was surprised to find that I continued to gain weight (~1-2 lbs), even though I scaled back my calories a bit. I found that I am looking "full" as others have mentioned and feeling a bit restless. I had a few aches and pains by the end of the negatives "mini-cycle" but am feeling back to normal now.
The calories you scaled back from your diet are being offset partially by the reduced activity - you're not expending those calories throwing iron across the sweat-box.

Remember that your body is continuing to grow thoughout your SD. Satelite cell activity is going to remain at an increased level for ~ 9-days after that last workout. Furthermore, NEVER drop calories during an SD the time to cut is when you're working out. You don't have the same degree (or any degree, really) of stimulus during SD (satelite cell activity is activity - the response to the stimulus, it is not the stimulus itself). So don't cut the calories. Doing so will cost you the muscle you spent 8+ weeks trying to get.
Thanks for the reply, Alex.

Hmm, I could have sworn I read that after the first 2-3 days of SD to cut back on the cals a bit (but still above maintenance), keeping the fat low, but I may have been mistaken. Additionally, I thought that most of the hypertrophy responses were done around 36 hours after stimulus (hence the increased frequency of HST, to keep promoting the hypertrophy response). So if you're not causing the micro-trauma necessary to get those satellite cells to lend their nuclei, how do you increase fiber size without working out?
Cut down the cals sure, to maintenance. Do not drastically adjust them though, just taper down slightly to account for the difference in energy expenditure (not working out).

Satelite cell activity is elevated for up to 9 days - can't recall the specific study, I think Totez knows it off by heart, try checking w/him (or maybe he'll read this).

The increased activity is a response to the stimulus. It is not the stimulus itself.

And obviously like anything else physiological, the degree varies from person to person.