What do I do now?


Active Member
Hey guys anyone who has been following my log...or lack of one knows I have not been exercising frequently at all.

Well long story short regular Hst is out of the question hence why i started another full body workout.

Well here in the next problem. Looks like the only time for me to workout for the next 2 or 3 months is going to be Friday Saturday and Sunday.

I know some people think that its ok to work full body everyday but my old mentality gets in the way of that thinking.

Given I can only workout three days in a row...what do you guys suggest.

Split/ chest triceps / back biceps / shoulders legs

upper lower upper (but if I choose this route can I use adequate volume and still recover with just one day inbetween workouts?

Opinions welcome!
Your first split is optimal IMO, but you're looking at failure type training for sure - I'd really be blasted by monday and be needing that time off!
Oh, and you might put legs in between those two arm workouts.
Joe, I am going to go against traditional wisdom here and say the split should be full body/upper body/lower body then change to full body/lower body/upper body the next week.

My reasoning is that the full body workout, and I am talking about no more than 16 sets here and staying about 3 reps short of failure, will stimulate protein sysnthesis and then the upper/lower split the next two days should be balls to the wall very close to concentric failure to take advantage of this stimulation and then rest, recover and grow for the next 4 days. Do the traditional 2 weeks of 15's and  10's and then 4 weeks of the 5's or whatever rep scheme seems to work best for you. That will take up the 2 months you mentioned.

This is not something I would suggest if you weren't crowded for workout days or weren't already a very experienced and well conditioned body builder. I also cannot point to the science behind it but 50 years of lifting has me intuitively thinking it might be a good changeup for you.

However, whatever routine you chose will be 100% better than not working out!  
(Old and Grey @ Nov. 16 2007,15:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">rest, recover and grow for the next 4 days.</div>
im not arguing or saying that your wrong . but i am just curious because i read in the hst faq that after 48 hours your only balancing nitrogen retention and no longer adding to it. i thought that basically meant that you'll grow for 2 days and from there on out your central nervous system will be basically the only thing recovering. of course your muscles would be recovering also depending on how hard they've been hit,but still. i dont understand how he would grow for 4 days. is it because theres a summation effect? did they find that there definately was and i didnt see it?
hmm, imo i would probably do 2 full body workouts, one on Friday, one on Sunday, although there's a fewwwww days rest between Sunday's and Friday's workout, it's not excessive rest, it's like 4 days rest between the sun and fri workout, so is that a good idea??
(_Simon_ @ Nov. 17 2007,00:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hmm, imo i would probably do 2 full body workouts, one on Friday, one on Sunday, although there's a fewwwww days rest between Sunday's and Friday's workout, it's not excessive rest, it's like 4 days rest between the sun and fri workout, so is that a good idea??
I am with simon on this one, two full body workouts is the closest to HST. You are just skipping one workout/week, but you can easily make up for this by pushing the volume as high as possible, or even using max-stimulation style training to get more volume in with heavy weights.
When I get into heavy 5 and Im a little run down I only do 2 days a week anyway and Ive grown on that. Maybe not as much as I would on 3 workouts but I still grew none the less. Just my observations on myself though
Ferg, Joe is going to have 4 non-workout days in a row no matter what he does. It does not matter what science says is ideal, this is just a given in Joe's life at the moment. We all agree that that scenario certainly is far from ideal. I just think it best to give his muscles something to really think about for those 4 mandatory off days.

To go to extremes, what if he only had one day per week he could work out? What would be better; one typical HST style workout or a balls to the wall, full body HIT-type or Max-Stim type workout. Intuition, not some peer reviewed controlled study, tells me the latter would be better. HST is great and I have been using it for quite a few years with great success. However, life's pressures sometimes make for less than ideal situations and, perhaps, more of a HIT or Max Stim approach would work better in cetain situations. Or perhaps not. The trick is to find the best solution for your particular situation.