What do you do when life gets in the way?


New Member
So you are in the middle of the 10's cycle and something just gets in the way, vacation, sickness, too busy, ya know life, etc. And you can't hit the gym for say a week.

Do you just start back over on the 15's, repeat the last week that you did, pick up where you left off?

Because I mean in theory if you couldn't make it to the gym for a week wouldn't you be doing an SD and need to start over type thing?

Just curious what you guys do when you have to take a break mid-cycle for what ever reason.

(Dvst8or @ Nov. 13 2009,3:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So you are in the middle of the 10's cycle and something just gets in the way, vacation, sickness, too busy, ya know life, etc.  And you can't hit the gym for say a week.

Do you just start back over on the 15's, repeat the last week that you did, pick up where you left off?

Because I mean in theory if you couldn't make it to the gym for a week wouldn't you be doing an SD and need to start over type thing?

Just curious what you guys do when you have to take a break mid-cycle for what ever reason.

You just summed up my training most months...!

If I get distracted during 15's or 10's, then yes, I start at the begining of whichever 2 week cycle, but if I've got as far as 5's, or neg's, then I'll just start SD early, and start again with 15's after 9 days.

Life does get in the way. So do the kids and missus... they just dont understand...

same here, I just restart 15's or 10's. Once I had to do this on the 5's, I just did a week of 3 sessions of weights from the 10's i.e. sessions 1, 3 &amp; 5 to get back into it as I'd only missed just over a week.
Stop being weak - if you can't find 3x1hr a week you need to push harder, if illness is the case; short of amputation (in which case you could do isolations for the unaffected limb) Dig Deeper...
99% of the time you're just waiting for an excuse to do less/blame for your failures - I could go on but then again you'd use it as an excuse to type a reply rather than go hit the iron.

Get my drift?
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 18 2009,4:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Stop being weak - if you can't find 3x1hr a week you need to push harder, if illness is the case; short of amputation (in which case you could do isolations for the unaffected limb) Dig Deeper...
99% of the time you're just waiting for an excuse to do less/blame for your failures - I could go on but then again you'd use it as an excuse to type a reply rather than go hit the iron.

Get my drift?  
This is the kind of guy you want as your lifting partner!
(RUSS @ Nov. 18 2009,5:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 18 2009,4:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Stop being weak - if you can't find 3x1hr a week you need to push harder, if illness is the case; short of amputation (in which case you could do isolations for the unaffected limb) Dig Deeper...
99% of the time you're just waiting for an excuse to do less/blame for your failures - I could go on but then again you'd use it as an excuse to type a reply rather than go hit the iron.

Get my drift?  
This is the kind of guy you want as your lifting partner!
But not as your boss...
(RUSS @ Nov. 18 2009,5:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 18 2009,4:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Stop being weak

Get my drift?  
This is the kind of guy you want as your lifting partner!
Actually true. I trained with a strong 19 yr old a few days back and still feel it...going back in with him todaybecause of the way he is.
As in not-wasting-my-time-now.
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 18 2009,5:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Stop being weak - if you can't find 3x1hr a week you need to push harder, if illness is the case; short of amputation (in which case you could do isolations for the unaffected limb) Dig Deeper...
99% of the time you're just waiting for an excuse to do less/blame for your failures - I could go on but then again you'd use it as an excuse to type a reply rather than go hit the iron.

Get my drift?  
Trust me this is not even close to describing me. I practically schedule my life around the gym as opposed to the other way around.

I'm in the military and as such have access to two fully loaded gyms for free.

But sometimes base exercises shut down the gym completely until the exercise is over (typically a week or more). So under those circumstances I would not have access to lift heavy (enough) weights.

I also do go on vacations where I leave ths state completely and have no access to a gym. Now granted, as stated above, I will try and schedule my vacations around my SD but sometimes the vacations coincide with holidays in which I have no control over the timing.

Hell I have even used gyms free 1 week trial offers just to keep going, but there are times when all resources are exhausted, I'm restricted to base, no access to gym equipment, etc. I do everything in my power to minimize those occurances but it does happen.

So I was just curious to what people did when there just wasn't any other choice (read no other choice, not some lame excuse) but to take a break in the middle of a cycle. And I got some pretty good answers.


P.S. I know this post wasn't an &quot;attack&quot; as it may seem like I'm getting defensive but I'm not. I just wanted to clarify a little better about the circumstances in my life that would cause me to have to take an unscheduled break
Even powerlifters have their light days too - and somewhere in this website I recall we discussed bodyweight exersizes, playgrounds, homemade equipment, plyometrics, and motel workouts in various threads.
Never say die, soldier! (unless you're busy killing somebody)
Assuming that going AWOL is not an option,
just go with the flow. Unplanned times off can be even more beneficial than planned ones once in a while. Consider it growth time.
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 18 2009,5:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Stop being weak - if you can't find 3x1hr a week you need to push harder, if illness is the case; short of amputation (in which case you could do isolations for the unaffected limb) Dig Deeper...
99% of the time you're just waiting for an excuse to do less/blame for your failures - I could go on but then again you'd use it as an excuse to type a reply rather than go hit the iron.

Get my drift?  
Hah! At first I wanted to rant. But in the end, he's right. I travel worldwide for my job but can usually find a gym somewhere. Push-ups when in Chinandega  