What do you do when you can't finish 15 reps?


New Member
Two days ago was my 3rd workout for 15s, using 85% of my 15 RM. On my chins, I was only able to do 12 reps. Should I stop at 12 and call it because maybe I'm not feeling too prime that day or rest and do rest of the 3 to total it to 15 even tho it's not all at once?
If you reps were starting to slow down, then stop. Take about 20-30 secs and some deep breaths and continue with the rest of the set. If again you slow down before the last rep, take another short break and finish the set off when you can.
ok thanks for the information. i stopped short last time at 12 and just moved on to the next exercise. now i know to finish that 15 reps no matter what