What do you think of this routine?


New Member
Hi everyone, this is my second post here, so i hope i put it into the right place :D

I'd like to have some comments on my routine for i'm just about to start the 3rd cycle... Reading about HST makes me feel that i do to many different exercises, but it works out fine so far for me. I don't know the exact english translations for the exercises, but i hope you understand.

Romanian Deadlift
Low Row
Upper Row
Butterfly reverse
Incline Bench Press
Flat Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Shoulder Abduction

and some Crunches.

Thanks in advance :)
Looks good. You might want to do an upper/lower split since you have so many exercises. Day 1 do legs, day 2 do everything else, etc. There is a lot of good ideas in the HST FAQ.
Hi Sci, thanks for your answer. I read about splits yesterday, maybe i'll try it the next cycle. The problem is to train every day, that would be only possible in the morning before work... i need a 24/7/365 gym...

Did the first routine of 15reps today. When i first read about HST, someone somewhere posted "Don't understimate the 15 reps." - which is so true.

All the best to you :)