What exactly is SD


New Member
Hi, I'm about to do my first HST cycle. But I'm confused about weeks 7 and 8. What exactly am I supposed to do? Do I just take 2 weeks off? Do I do the same lifts as 5RMs but with reduced weight? Or am I supposed to do eccentrics -- and what exactly are eccentrics?
Hi and welcome.

Did you read the guide on the front page? If you want more information concerning various aspects of your training, there's a forum here dedicated to FAQs.

SD (strategic deconditioning) is a fancy name for "do nothing". The purpose of doing nothing for 9-12 days is to allow the muscles to decondition themselves so that light weights are again effective at stimulating a growth response. RBE (repeated bout effect) is a response to training that makes the muscle resistant to the weight. In short, when you lift a weight so many times for so long, eventually the muscle stops responding to it and stops growing.

Eccentric repetition, concentric repetition. A rep.

An eccentric or negative is the opposite of a concentric. A concentric is the act of lifting the weight. An eccentric is the act of lowering the weight. Basically. An eccentric allows a heavier load than otherwise.

If you've read through the guide, you've probably noticed that one of the main principles of this program is the load progression. It begins with light weights and continues to increase the load from one workout to the next until we reach the 5s. Past this point, we can either a) continue with the last load of the 5s for two weeks, b) do eccentrics to continue to progress the load for two weeks, c) do nothing for two weeks (9-12 days or whatever).

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Martin, thanks for the reply. If I continue with the 5RM for 2 additional weeks or do eccentrics, do I then take time off after that (wk 9) or do I go right into a new cycle?

These are indeed newbie questions, thanks for taking the time to answer.