What exercises to cut out? % increase when doing an a/b?


New Member
Hey guys,

How does this look?

Should I drop the close grip pull down? / do I need a rear delt exercise?

I'm a bit unsure of how to base the % increase in kilo's when i've got an A/B exercise - for example squats and deads should it read

75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100


80, 80, 90, 90, 100, 100 (so the different exercises increase equally)

Any other a/b's you'd introduce/ or drop?


Training on and off for 5 years, skipping from one routine to the next. Done far too many splits and been made paranoid of overtraining by magazines etc Not seen anywhere close to the gains I would have liked and this will probably be reflected when I post how little i'm lifting in terms of kilo's!

Do a lot of mountain biking. Dropped from 15 stone to 12.5, in the last 18 months 19% to 13% bodyfat so I now look leaner but lacking some decent muscle.

I'm dropping the mountain biking down to a couple of hours on Saturday and dedicating 3 days a week to HST.

HST is a real eye-opener for me that, i read the 134 page ebook and everything seems very logical, and bursting with common sense. I've never seen a routine with so much real proven science behind it.

Its taken me a while to absorb it all, but i'm getting close to finalising the routine, all advice much appriciated. :)
c g pulldowns are for the lats,same as chins,so i would drop them,but most rows including t-bar work the rear delts,also when you get to the last couple of 10s workouts or the 5s you might find it a bit more taxing,you could drop the arm work plus the leg raises.
do deadlifts 80.90.100.
squats 80,90,100.
BTW nice to see you here from uk,muscle.
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cheers faz!

I'm in manchester too :)

My squats for example are pitifully low, my 5 rep max is 15 kilo on either side of an oly bar, so 50 kilo :mad: (i could probably do 20kilo either side of bar but form wouldn't be perfect)

so 80/90/100% would be 40/45/50kg in my 5's 2 week block.

Hmmmmmmm would i be better doing as Brian reccomends even though it takes my percentages way out >

"To simplify things, I just use 5-10lbs (~2.25-4.5kgs) for upper body, and 10-20lbs (~4.5-9kgs) for legs"

So 32/41/50 kg which equates to 64/82/100%

What do you reckon?
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Ok heres my spreadsheet so far, starting routine on Tuesday :)

Not done the weights on the neg week yet, and all kilo's don't include oly bar.

As I said i'm not very strong at the mo!



cheers faz!

I'm in manchester too :)

My squats for example are pitifully low, my 5 rep max is 15 kilo on either side of an oly bar, so 50 kilo :mad: (i could probably do 20kilo either side of bar but form wouldn't be perfect)

so 80/90/100% would be 40/45/50kg in my 5's 2 week block.

Hmmmmmmm would i be better doing as Brian reccomends even though it takes my percentages way out >

"To simplify things, I just use 5-10lbs (~2.25-4.5kgs) for upper body, and 10-20lbs (~4.5-9kgs) for legs"

So 32/41/50 kg which equates to 64/82/100%

What do you reckon?
i would stick with 80.90.100, its ok the other way if your doing 6 workouts but your not your doing 3 a,b, dont worry about not being strong,you will be suprised how stronger you will be next cycle,and dont be surprised if our maxes this cycle feel easy as well,if they do just add a few kilos and use that as your max for the next cycle.