What gains can i expect?


New Member
I'm only 17 but am ridiculously skinny and have been all my life. I'm 6ft 3inches and my wrists measure 6 inches at the smallest point. This is just a genetic thing (my dad is exactly the same) so i guess you could class me as an ectomorph, or however its spelt. Ive done weight training before, but that was to improve strength not my size and i gave up on it after 3-4 months
I'm ready to start HST, i've set up my cycle to do the following exercises, 1 set per day for each, monday, wed, fri:
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Standing Calf Raise
Bent over BB Rows
Seated Shoulder Press
Bench Press
Lying Tricep Extensions
Dumbell Curls
Lateral Raise
Close Grip Bench Press
I plan to do the typical 15, 10, 5 cycle becasue its my first time.
I'm ready to eat like ive never eaten before and have slowly progessed my meals so i can eat 5-6 small meals a day (i expect hunger to increase as my training starts, correct??)
I've also bought creatine and whey protein and would like to know when it is best to use these suppliments. Is creatne best used before or after workouts and should i still use it on non workout days? Also the same question for the whey...
I have carefully planned the protein intake for the HST cycle, but have been less diligent about fat and carbs. Since i dont mind a bit of extra fat (better than seeing all my bones) is this ok??
My biggest question however, is how much mass i can expect to gain and how quickly will i gain it. I know lots of people give up if they dont see immidiate results, but i'd like some reasonable guess at the changes i can expect after doing one full cycle. To be honest all i am aiming to do is bulk up and fill my body out propperly, i dont want to become a mega body builder :)

Thanks for any advice, i hope i have given you enough information!

Your routine looks solid. I'm not sure if you put them in the order you will be performing them, but if you did I would personally change that around.

I think it is a good idea that you have decided to do the generic HST rep scheme for your first cycle and have not tried to tweak anything.

Your hunger will increase when you start training but that doesnt mean that you will always be hungry when it's time to eat. I am also trying to bulk up right now and I find myself forcing some meals down in order to keep a high calorie/ protein diet. It is also ok that you aren't being very strict about the fats and carbs. Youll need a decent amount of both to put some size on.

As for the supplements: I take creatine before my workout and I have a protein shake after my workout that also contains creatine. So for me it is creatine before and after and the shake after the workout. You might also want to take creatine on your off days as well. However, I would make sure that you are not training on an empty stomach. You need some protein and carbs in your system while your training. I usually have a half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwiche before I train as a "carb spike".

As for you "most important question": In my opinion you should see a pretty dramatic increase in size and weight with one HST cycle. There is no reason why you wont be able to put on atleast 5 lbs. of muscle. I am in my last week of my first cycle right now and I have gone up from 169 lbs. to 184 lbs. and I think I might be leaner now than I was at 169 lbs.

Good luck on your cycle I think you will be very happy with HST.

Joe G
No matter what program you're doing - since you are new to weightlifting - you will gain mass, so long as you are performing the exercises correctly and eating right. Make sure you get more than enough calories to add in mass.
Thanks very much for replying, ive been reading some of the studies on this site and now see i need to be eating alot of protein both pre and post working out.

I've got one more question though, how should i start with the creatine? Do i do as others do, ie.e 20g for 5 days then 5g a day for maintenance??
You can load creatine like that if you want, or just start taking 5 grams a day. Either way works. Make sure you are counting your calories. I was in your boat at your age, and I envy you that you get to start doing it right the first time. If you count your calories and make sure you are eating enough to gain weight every week, I promise you that you will see success. As long as you train the way you say you will, the diet will be the deciding factor in your success.
How much do you weigh now? I'm guessing you're probably 150 - 160 lbs somewhere. At your height with your metabolism, you'll probably need to be consuming 3000 calories on workout days, and 2500 on your off days. Take your weight every morning after you get up and watch the weekly trends to see if your average weight is going up each week, if not then you may need to eat more.
At this point you probably don't need to worry about "eating clean" as that will probably just make it harder for you to eat enough. Just make sure you are getting 150-200 grams of protein a day, at least 300 grams of carbs for fuel then fill in the rest with fats, since fats are very calorie dense it is easier to bulk with more fat in your diet. You really should record everything you eat, erveryday, so that if you don't gain any weight, you can identify weak points in your diet and adjust accordingly.