What I have learned from HST


New Member
Hey guys, I thought I would post what I have learned in the last 8 months of HST. Maybe it will help some of the new guys....Plus I am in the mood to rant right now

What I have learned works for me:

-There is no such thing as "The HST Workout", HST is only ment to be a guideline. You need to figure out what works for you and how to put the HST principals into your program and lifestyle.

-L-glutimine seems to do for me what creatine does for most guys. Creatine gives me acid reflux.

-SD for at least 12 days

-Workouts last 1 hour max. I start out with the compounds, then work the smaller muscles. Rest is no more then 2 min between sets. My body seems to like the extra volume.

-Never skip the 15's

-Work the hell out of your legs if you want your arms to grow.
interesting..... another person who says &quot; <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My body seems to like the extra volume</div>&quot;......
hmmmm, I'd better not say anything..... otherwise you guys, will get fed up with me soon, he he he
Ok, before I get to work.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> -There is no such thing as &quot;The HST Workout&quot;, HST is only mean't to be a guideline. You need to figure out what works for you and how to put the HST principals into your program and lifestyle.</div>

Agree with this but newbies should still do the &quot;vanilla program&quot;, then after learning HST basics switch to a more convenient personalized program.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">-L-glutimine seems to do for me what creatine does for most guys. Creatine gives me acid reflux</div>

Interesting, must be somethnig in your diet, perhaps you should read the Essential Berardi - ther is a link here that I put up to go there (with permission), John goes on about acid balance na dhe seems top know what he is talking about (PhD in Nutrition), check it out!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">-Workouts last 1 hour max. I start out with the compounds, then work the smaller muscles. Rest is no more then 2 min between sets. My body seems to like the extra volume.

-Never skip the 15's

-Work the hell out of your legs if you want your arms to grow. </div>

Agree with all the above, frequency though is a matter of choice for each!
mmmm i workout with my mate and we take two hours no slacking,i couldnt do it in much less than that maybe hour and half but i like to complete all my exercises correctly and effective,but durin 15's we can bring it down to just under hour and half.when you start to lift real weights you have to slow it down or you can injure yourself.
When I workout with a training partner 15s take around 40-45mins, 10s around an hour and 5s around 1 hour 20mins.

If I train on my own I get round a fair bit quicker during 5s - eg. for my 5s w/o on Wednesday, I took 50 mins for 30 sets plus warmups. During the second week of heavier 5s I would take a bit longer so I can rest a bit more between sets.
I just cant see HST taking more than an hour at best...and that is stretching it...I would say 45 minutes would be the longest

Take Example 3 sets of chest, back, legs, and shoulders

with 2 minute rest period between sets and 1 min to complete the reps you are looking at 9 mins per exercise for total of 36 mins say you take a 2 minute break between exercise which I dont but say you do that puts you at 44 minutes and if you do 1 set a piece for bicep and triceps and shrug that totals no more than 9 mins at best you are only at 53 mins in the gym...and that is stretching it out...I personally dont take 2 mins between sets only 1 minute between sets and I go from exercise to exercise...so I just dont see how you could be in there more than and hour?

maybe concentrate on just exercising and bring your time down it will allow you to do more work in less time...keep your heart rate up and kick your butt!

Just my 2 cents...
(Fausto @ Apr. 20 2006,02:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok, before I get to work.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> -There is no such thing as &quot;The HST Workout&quot;, HST is only mean't to be a guideline. You need to figure out what works for you and how to put the HST principals into your program and lifestyle.</div>

Agree with this but newbies should still do the &quot;vanilla program&quot;, then after learning HST basics switch to a more convenient personalized program.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">-L-glutimine seems to do for me what creatine does for most guys. Creatine gives me acid reflux</div>

Interesting, must be somethnig in your diet, perhaps you should read the Essential Berardi - ther is a link here that I put up to go there (with permission), John goes on about acid balance na dhe seems top know what he is talking about (PhD in Nutrition), check it out!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">-Workouts last 1 hour max. I start out with the compounds, then work the smaller muscles. Rest is no more then 2 min between sets. My body seems to like the extra volume.

-Never skip the 15's

-Work the hell out of your legs if you want your arms to grow. </div>

Agree with all the above, frequency though is a matter of choice for each!
Agree with this but newbies should still do the &quot;vanilla program&quot;, then after learning HST basics switch to a more convenient personalized program.

what is the vanilla program? is it put together in detail anywhere on an article or on this website?
I can see how it could creep beyond an hour during 5s and negatives if you are using techniques like drop sets, pulses, metabolic work, etc. Clustering can also be time consuming with heavier weights.
It's easy to set up a routine that takes less than an hour and it's easy to set up a routine that takes more than an hour. That's the great thing about HST, you can do what suits you best and still apply all the principles.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There is no such thing as &quot;The HST Workout&quot;, HST is only ment to be a guideline. You need to figure out what works for you and how to put the HST principals into your program and lifestyle</div>

I firmly believe rookie HSTers shoudl start with the 'vanilla' programme

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">L-glutimine seems to do for me what creatine does for most guys. Creatine gives me acid reflux</div>

L-glutamine doesnt do much for muscle gain, there are studies, google it.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My body seems to like the extra volume</div>

What does this mean? You grow better or smile

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Work the hell out of your legs if you want your arms to grow</div>

Work your arms with heavy loads if you want your arms to grow
Well... I agree with the legs comment to an extent. Squats don't do anything for my arms, but really heavy deadlifts I can definitely feel in my arms after I'm done. However, in my experience so far, back work seems to tear my arms up more than anything else.
I remember before I was blessed with stumbling across this site, I read a bunch of articles where guys claimed doing a ton of squats would make your chest and arms grow because of the impact it has on the nervous system. Now it all seems so funny to me. But I definitely agree that deadlifts put a good amount of strain on your arms. Especially the biceps. Mmmm deadlifts. But I'm not doing them in my current cycle
Maybe next time though...
Totentanz, actually I have wondered the same thing you said about squats not being really effective for arms... but actually, it is not that with squats you are stimulating the biceps and triceps directly but it &quot;supposedly&quot; stimulates secretion (or is it secreting ??) of testosterone and growth hormone, therefore you, as a whole, get bigger..... however, apparently the percentage of your increase due to this is not really big..... I wonder if Bryan or other guys like Dr Pierre or Dan or Joe or Fausto, etc. knows something better about this.
i do 2 sets for every exercise,i trained on my own the other day and got it down to 1hr 20mins,i read a while ago that some people train for 20-30mins hst style i say you are someone who &quot;go's to the gym&quot; not bodybuilds,also i do warmup sets for each exercise this adds time theres noway i could do 200kg deads with out warming up.i also notice people complaining about sore joints through there heavier workouts i only feel this when i do 1-2 reps full intensity maybe coz i warm up more.plus theres setting up the benchs machines etc adds some time,well i guess everyones different.
well, in my exagerated, over-the-board, senseless, aniquilating, irrational and suicidal approach to HST I am doing the following:
1) 26 sets in my 15's for a total of 50 minutes
2) 47 sets in my 10's for a total of 110 minutes (split then in 2 sessions by the way)
3) 88 sets in my 5's for a total of ..... who knows, I have not started my 5's yet, he he he... but I am foreseeing a split of each workout in 3 sessions of 50 minutes each