What is everyone doing for abs with HST?

I do squats and deadlifts for abs.
Some guys do isolated movements (weighted crunches: myself included) but the majority of the guys on here can get good if not great ab developement from heavy compounds like Bulldog said above.

It really comes down to DIET and GENETICS...I have been training my abs for a while now about 3 years and they are at best a 4 pack???

However I have friends who never train them and well they have an 8 pack.

My expierence personally is that everytime I have gotten this urge to have a 6 pack I have gotten very lean however the rest of my physique will suffer b/c of the extreme low calories.

Unless you are competing...then my advice is to lift heavy and eat good foods (not twinkies) and you will do great!
Occasionally, I will do pulley crunches. I also do DB side bends for my obliques. These exercises are done mostly as a warmup to my HST routine.
When I have time, I do straight-arm roman chairs heavy, supersetted with a different movement that very specifically doesn't hit my obliques. I alternate between upper and lower ab movements for the second half of the superset, usually without weight and use a high rep count.

The main reason I do this is for core strength; I completely agree with Joe and Bulldog that the full-body compounds do plenty for the abs - that's why I feel OK when I miss an ab workout now. However, MHO is that core strength can be further enhanced by doing ab iso work, and that in turn will assist with all those heavy compounds.
In the 15s, I'm doing one set of incline situps for the first three workouts, adding 5 lbs for the next three workouts. In the 10s, I'll keep with the 5 lbs, then increase the weight to 10 lbs. In the 5s I'll keep with 10 lbs, then increase to 15. I'll keep increasing in the post 5s as much as I can.

I'm just doing one set of as many reps as I can (quitting before failure) per workout. This is the first time I have tried this.
So you are adding 5, 10, and 15 pounds respectively each workout? So by the end of the cycle, you could have something around 100 pounds? If so, SHEESH, but I'm thinking that I am misunderstanding lol.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Jun. 28 2007,14:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So you are adding 5, 10, and 15 pounds respectively each workout?  So by the end of the cycle, you could have something around 100 pounds? If so, SHEESH, but I'm thinking that I am misunderstanding lol.</div>
HAha! Yeah, I wish!!! No. I'm adding weight every third workout of each phase.

15s : body weight, 5 lbs
10s : 5 lbs, 10 lbs
5s : 10 lbs, 15 lbs
post 5s : any increases that may be possible.

I just bodged together a home-made incline situp apparatus out of an old bench. I found regular situps holding 30 or more lbs to be to unwieldy. The incline has made lighter weights a lot more challenging.
how abs look (if you can see them at all) is mostly affected by diet and bf level.
how strong your abs are is mostly affected by exercise.

as mentioned, compound exer. (squat,deads) are great for working/strengthening the abs but they are primarely &quot;assist&quot; muscles during those big lifts. if your core is weak the abs will not &quot;assist&quot; much, form can suffer and the slack will be taken up elsewhere (low back etc) especially when things get heavy.

iso exer. are a great way to strengthen core muscles (for show and go) if its a concern and once youve got that strength the compounds (with proper form) will def. maintain it. i personally do 2 or 3 rounds of serious ab work a yr (each a month long or so). the rest of the time my overall w/o keeps them &quot;worked&quot;. i dont care to do ab work slaveshly each w/o all the time.

again, if your mostly concerned with appearence abs then look more to diet. you could do nothing but ab work for the next yr but if your bf is over @12% youll hardly be able to tell the diff.

good luck
Anyone ever tried doing roll outs with an ab or exercise wheel?

I bought one, can only do the kneeling version, abs never felt so sore.

It's also purple with 'for women' written on the handle!!

With respect to that sit upn article, that's why using an exercise ball is so beneficial as the ROM is much greater.


Yep - the &quot;one&quot; with women written on it... bought as a replacement for an offset Everlast abwheel; the problem with the offset is that you cannot fully control the stretch.
To progress to standing start rollouts - roll to a &quot;stop&quot; eg a wall/piece of equipment. Then gradually increase the distance. Try rolling to within half an inch of the stop, if you can do this for a set; then it's time to step-back a little!