What is Vanilla HST????

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What is vanilla HST?
I can't find nowhere in this forum what is this.
Is this HST for beginers?
If yes what to do when You arn't beginer now?
Sorry for my questions but I don't know english wery vell and it's hard for me to search this information.
hst is a set of principals you can do what you want with them as long as you use the principals..
so you can do 6x 12x 3x splits make your own up but i would advice the vanilla just so you get used to it.

1) Mechanical Load
Mechanical Load is necessary to induce muscle hypertrophy. This mechanism involves but isn't limited to, MAPk/ERK, satellite cells, growth factors, calcium, and number of other fairly understood factors. It is incorrect to say "we don't know how muscle grows in response to training". The whole point of the HST book is not to discuss HST, but to present the body of research explaining how hypertrophy occurs. Then HST becomes a relatively obvious conclusion if your goal is hypertrophy.  
2) Acute vs. Chronic Stimuli
In order for the loading to result in significant hypertrophy, the stimulus must be applied with sufficient frequency to create a new "environment", as opposed to seemingly random and acute assaults on the mechanical integrity of the tissue. The downside of taking a week of rest every time you load a muscle is that many of the acute responses to training like increased protein synthesis, prostaglandins, IGF-1 levels, and mRNA levels all return to normal in about 36 hours. So, you spend 2 days growing and half a week in a semi-anticatabolic state returning to normal (some people call this recovery), when research shows us that recovery can take place unabated even if a the muscle is loaded again in 48 hours. So true anabolism from loading only lasts 2 days at best once the load is removed. The rest of the time you are simply balancing nitrogen retention without adding to it.

3) Progressive Load
Over time, the tissue adapts and becomes resistant to the damaging effects of mechanical load. This adaptation (resistance to the stimulus) can happen in as little as 48 hours (Repeated Bout Effect or Rapid Training Effect). As this happens, hypertrophy will stop, though neural and metabolic adaptations can and may continue. As opposed to hypertrophy, the foundation for the development of strength is neuromuscular in nature. Increases in strength from resistance exercise have been attributed to several neural adaptations including altered recruitment patterns, rate coding, motor unit synchronization, reflex potentiation, prime mover antagonist activity, and prime mover agonist activity. So, aside from incremental changes in the number of contractile filaments (hypertrophy), voluntary force production (i.e. strength) is largely a matter of "activating" motor units.

4) Strategic Deconditioning
At this point, it is necessary to either increase the load (Progressive load), or decrease the degree of conditioning to the load (Strategic Deconditioning). The muscle is sensitive not only to the absolute load, but also to the change in load (up or down). Therefore, you can get a hypertrophic effect from increasing the load from a previous load, even if the absolute load is not maximum, assuming conditioning (resistance to exercise induced micro-damage) is not to extensive. There is a limit to the number of increments you can add to increase the load. You simply reach your maximum voluntary strength eventually. This is why Strategic Deconditioning is required for continued growth once growth has
No no I know what is HST but I didn't know what is "vanilla HST"
I very rarely entering this forum.
In Poland we don't use this meaning of HST.
I have been training HST for a year or two I don't remember.
Now I'm going to change something.
So I thought if there is "vanilla HST" must be HST for advanced users.
Sorry for my stupid question.
It's basically taking the original HST as designed by Bryan Haycock with perhaps slight variations in the specific exercises but keeping everything as originally intended, volume, reps, progressive loading, etc. A 'vanilla' HST program is typically what a newcomer to HST will use until he has learned enough about his specific requirements to make his own adjustments to the program.
I think what we have here is a language problem. In the US, we often use the word "vanilla" to describe something that is simple and basic. It comes from vanilla ice cream, which is considered more plain than chocolate ice cream. People describe their personalities as "vanilla," meaning they are simple people.

So, "vanilla HST" is just a joking way to say that it is the basic HST program without any major changes. Hope this helps.
(Matt Daniels @ Jun. 24 2006,12:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">haha I've never heard of that expression before lol..silly americans and their food  
Yes... food. HST + food = lean body mass
(Matt Daniels @ Jun. 24 2006,12:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">haha I've never heard of that expression before lol..silly americans and their food  
Yes... food. HST + food = lean body mass

You're correct that I am from Pittsburgh, PA in the states. I had the Scottish flag as my avatar for the past half year, and I just decided to change it to the German flag. It's an ode/tribute to my ancestors. Funny thing is, I get into these &quot;kicks/modes&quot; of which ethnicity I like the best, and the German kick is starting up now. Most importantly, I am an American, so you'll be seeing that flag up in due time, and then it'll probably change to an Irish flag after that.

So now that I summed up an entire story about my avatar...

I'm an American which makes me a mutt.

What I should do is put the Pittsburgh flag up!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How about a Steeler's pennant?</div>

July 30th is the start of training camp!
I have been wondering what exactly is &quot;vanilla hst&quot; for months now, and there is nowhere on this website, articles or FAQ that has a specific routine of exercises called the &quot;vanilla hst routine &quot;

So can we come up with one and all agree with a routine that is &quot;vanilla hst routine&quot; or can someone show me where it is?
There is no HST routine specifically called &quot;vanilla HST&quot;. Thats why for months you have not found anything. Its just a way of saying use the basics of HST with nothing changed or added in. For a completely spelled out workout routine look in the HST article that Totentanz posted. On page 3 or 4 there is a sample HST routine (for the 10rep portion of the cycle). I guess you could call that the vanilla HST routine. As an alternative you could call using the basics of HST with the main compound exercises for a full body work out the vanilla HST routine.