What is your current routine?

This is mainly directed to veterans and 'experts', people with lot of training experience. But, of course anyone is welcome to post their training routine if they think it will contribute to good ideas.

1)What exercises exactly?
hack squats, preacher curls, etc.

2)How many sets of each, (or total reps if you cluster or do max-stim.)

3)Frequency? upper/lower split?

This will hopefully end up being a useful thread and one that newbies can get ideas from to develop their own training program.
Alright I'll start.

1) Barbell Bench Press,
Standing overhead barbell press,
feet elevated pushups (dips are bothering my shoulder lately),
Neutral-grip chin-ups,
Barbell back squats,
barbell power shrugs,

2) 3-6 sets of each exercise usually. I keep the reps low also (for strength, usually 3-6)

3) twice/week split. Sunday/wednesday- bench, overhead press, pushups. Monday/Thursday- alternate squat/deadlift, chinups, power shrugs.

My program is designed to maximize strength in the big 3, and is all basic, barbell compounds. I train for functional strength first/ hypertrophy second.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">feet elevated pushups </div>

Are you doing them weighted ? If so, where do you put the weight ?

Thank you

I just started doing them instead of dips. I was thinking to put plates on my back. I think it would be fairly easy, or I could hang my dip belt around my chest but would have to do the pushups off benches to make room for the hanging weights.
1)What exercises exactly?

Day 1
Calves in legpress
Abs somehow, someway

Military Press
Upright Row
Dips / Dipsmachine
Barbell Curl

Day 3
Calves in legpress

Day 4
Dumbbell Row
Bench Press
Chins / Lat Pulldown
Lying Tricep Extension

2)How many sets of each, (or total reps if you cluster or do max-stim.)

1 set, 20 reps, Max-Stim-style

3)Frequency? upper/lower split?

Day 1 and 2 after each other, then a rest day, then day 3 and 4, then a rest day, then 1 and 2 again...
So its a kind of a upper/lower body split, with the whole body being trained 2 times in 6 days. (I dont use weeks, I dont care if its wednesday or thursday, I dont want to be tied up to &quot;7 days of a week&quot;)
1)What exercises exactly?
hack squats, preacher curls, etc.

I use the eight most basic exercises I can think of and they never change. (HST)

Bench Press
Incline Press
Pulldowns (I don't do rows to minimize overall lower back strain and the tendency to cheat.)
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
Triceps Extension (Not a basic exercise, but I do like to target everything as specifically as possible and I hate doing close-grip triceps work because it's just too easy.)

I perform every exercise in a powerlifting, rather than a bodybuilding fashion, i.e. relatively short ROM, leverage advantage, etcetera. If it's the best way to lift the most, it's probably also the safest, especially with lighter than maximum loads. I'm old and my joints are even older, or so they tell me every day.

2)How many sets of each, (or total reps if you cluster or do max-stim.)

Not counting one warmup set for each of the starting exercises in my split, I do one set of each exercise. I have done everything from the old 3 sets of 8 and 5x5 to the &quot;every angle, 18 sets per muscle&quot; bit. I will never do more than one good set again. The key word is &quot;good.&quot;

3)Frequency? upper/lower split?

I use a three-way split, and yes, I do each exercise only once per seven days. I know, such is a sin here at HST, but again, I'm old. I see steady gains as long as I eat and sleep, and usually even if I don't. So does my wife.

Day One: Bench Press, Incline Press, Pulldown
Day Two: Off
Day Three: Shoulder Press, Hammer Curl, Triceps Extension
Day Four: Off
Day Five: Squat, Deadlift
Days Six And Seven: Off

Some HST principles I do use are:
Mechanical Load
Progressive Load
Utilizing lactic acid as a stimulus for tendon repair/health
Compound Exercises
Progressively Adjusting reps to accommodate Progressive Load
Low volume per exercise (average volume per week)

The difference is that I place more emphasis on intensity than I do on frequency. While I do not hit each muscle three times weekly, I do get all of the hormonal and metabolic benefits of same with this split. I no longer train to failure, which I did for a long time, but I do go as close to failure as I can without actually failing. This is because I found that my CNS was overtaxed even on this little volume and frequency. I train very hard and I have a hard time just stopping short of failure, even when it means that I will soon be pinned to the bench. Over time, the &quot;less is more&quot; approach has proven to be true for me. I have never used steroids of any kind and the only supplements I use are coffee and whey protein mix. My total exercise time is less than one hour per week.

To any of you who think this looks nuts, so do I. It took many years of experimentation to get here and it's still a work in progress. I will try to answer any questions you have about it.
That does look nuts John, but it's a bit similar to what I'm doing on the &quot;as I can&quot; basis...I just hit it really hard, whatever I get in there to do until I can return to HST.

Sci: I assume you mean your TORSO is elevated and not your feet? Surely. But if those don't work, perhaps crossovers would. The angle is different enough but hits the muscle similarly.
I like to do programs by crazy russians and germans that torture your body for about 4 weeks and then I take it easy for the next 4 weeks. This is why I have a broken leg and screwed up shoulder and post on internet forums alot.
1 - Exercises:

Squat/Deadlift/Bench press/Dips/Chinups/Pendlay rows/Military Press/Lateral raises/Incline curls/Pushdowns

2 - Sets:

Squats 15 x 2/10 x 3/ 5 x 4 - 5
Deads 15 x 2/10 x 3/ 5 x 4 - 5
Bench + Dips - supersetted 15 x 1/10 x 1.5/5 x 3
Chins + rows - supersetted 15 x 1/10 x 1.5/5 x 3
Military press + Lat raises - supersetted 15 x 1/10 x 1.5/5 x 3
Inc. curls + Pushdowns - supersetted 15 x 1/10 x 1.5/5 x 3

3 - Frequency:

2 x week
(scientific muscle @ Jun. 06 2007,03:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just started doing them instead of dips.  I was thinking to put plates on my back.  I think it would be fairly easy, or I could hang my dip belt around my chest but would have to do the pushups off benches to make room for the hanging weights.</div>
I use a weight vest for my chins. This might come in handy for your pushups

What I am doing right now is in my log. All basic stuff plus grip strength training which is coming along slowly but surely. Frequency for me is 3 x weekly for all major muscle groups. I'm also adding in some Oly lift exercises to improve power and flexibilty. I have a long way to go in these areas and my weak, spindly wrists are taking a beating.

It's nice to be able to deadlift 400lbs but to lift 300lbs over your head, well, that's just got to be better! Apparently, some Oly lifters can clean and jerk over 75% of their max deadlift (and I'm talking about folks who are pretty good at deadlifting).

Lol's log
(John Steel @ Jun. 06 2007,04:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1)What exercises exactly?
hack squats, preacher curls, etc.

I use the eight most basic exercises I can think of and they never change.  (HST)

Bench Press
Incline Press
Pulldowns  (I don't do rows to minimize overall lower back strain and the tendency to cheat.)
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
Triceps Extension  (Not a basic exercise, but I do like to target everything as specifically as possible and I hate doing close-grip triceps work because it's just too easy.)

I perform every exercise in a powerlifting, rather than a bodybuilding fashion, i.e. relatively short ROM, leverage advantage, etcetera.  If it's the best way to lift the most, it's probably also the safest, especially with lighter than maximum loads.  I'm old and my joints are even older, or so they tell me every day.

2)How many sets of each, (or total reps if you cluster or do max-stim.)

Not counting one warmup set for each of the starting exercises in my split, I do one set of each exercise.  I have done everything from the old 3 sets of 8 and 5x5 to the &quot;every angle, 18 sets per muscle&quot; bit. I will never do more than one good set again.  The key word is &quot;good.&quot;

3)Frequency? upper/lower split?

I use a three-way split, and yes, I do each exercise only once per seven days.  I know, such is a sin here at HST, but again, I'm old. I see steady gains as long as I eat and sleep, and usually even if I don't.  So does my wife.

Day One:  Bench Press, Incline Press, Pulldown
Day Two:  Off
Day Three:  Shoulder Press, Hammer Curl, Triceps Extension
Day Four:  Off
Day Five:  Squat, Deadlift
Days Six And Seven:  Off

Some HST principles I do use are:
Mechanical Load
Progressive Load
Utilizing lactic acid as a stimulus for tendon repair/health
Compound Exercises
Progressively Adjusting reps to accommodate Progressive Load
Low volume per exercise (average volume per week)

The difference is that I place more emphasis on intensity than I do on frequency.  While I do not hit each muscle three times weekly, I do get all of the hormonal and metabolic benefits of same with this split.  I no longer train to failure, which I did for a long time, but I do go as close to failure as I can without actually failing.  This is because I found that my CNS was overtaxed even on this little volume and frequency.  I train very hard and I have a hard time just stopping short of failure, even when it means that I will soon be pinned to the bench.  Over time, the &quot;less is more&quot; approach has proven to be true for me.  I have never used steroids of any kind and the only supplements I use are coffee and whey protein mix.  My total exercise time is less than one hour per week.

To any of you who think this looks nuts, so do I.  It took many years of experimentation to get here and it's still a work in progress.  I will try to answer any questions you have about it.</div>

Plenty of questions.. Sorry I'm not familiar with your background especially age and size. I've always stayed away from lower sets (1 set per exercise) because I've feared that I would lose some size. Now at age 54, my body looks pretty good for my age but my joints are really getting old. I'm really interested in how I could keep my present size (5'10&quot; - 210-215lbs) with less wear and tear on my body. You say you are still making gains - again after how many years of lifting and at what age.

Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer here.

All my info is in my log...at heart, I've become a powerlifter, but am taking a hiatus to allow some nagging injuries to clear up.
Outside of the weird routine I will be starting, this is what I normally do...

1)What exercises exactly?

Chins, Deads, Bench Press, Dips, Arnold Press, Rows, Cuban Press

2)How many sets of each, (or total reps if you cluster or do max-stim.)

2-3 sets, more sets for the all mighty deadlift

3)Frequency? upper/lower split?

High, at least 3x/week, upwards to 10x/week
Leg Press
Bench Press
One-arm dunbell rows

Incline dunbell bench press
Leg press
Back Extension

I do at most 2 sets per exercicies, 3-5 reps on almost everything.
I do 2 full body workouts a week.
My goal is hypertrophy
Currently, I don't have a set routine... not until I get more time to eat and lift. Work has been in the way a lot lately, and I'm moving to a larger house this month, so time is kind of short.

Rack Pull
Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins
Push Press

Pendlay Rows
Flat Bench
Incline DB Bench
Bodyweight Dips
Push Press

Sometimes I do some curls or whatnot too.

2. 20 reps per exercise on average... but on deadlifts, rack pulls and squats, I tend to build up to a 1 rep max lately instead, usually doing only maybe 15 reps total.

3. Twice a week.

I'm actually gaining decent strength on this, and my wife swears that my traps are thicker when she bites or squeezes them, even though I've had no time to eat or count calories lately.
Mil press

close grip pull ups

Mil press

close grip pull ups

20 reps, max stim
&quot;You say you are still making gains - again after how many years of lifting and at what age.&quot;

I've been lifting off and on for over 23 years. I am now 38 years old. I am 5' 10&quot;, 210 lbs. My joints are shot too, but I own them, they don't own me. None of that damage was caused by lifting, but rather by other sports, brawls and just plain stupidity. I never lock out any joint while lifting, or even while standing around on off days. I also stretch a lot after lifting to get the tension off of the joints, which has made me feel somewhat less than 92 years old.
As far as losing size on one set per, as long as I constantly change the load by progressing upward and I go to just shy of failure, it's not a problem. Some areas are better developed now than when I was a lot younger, in fact. I did lose some size and shape when I was obsessed with power and doing repetitive workouts under 5 repetitions, but that's about it. My wife does about what I do, with some variations, and I just had to bump up her reps because she was bulking out a bit, even while she was losing weight. So I work down from 12-15 reps to as low as I can go on a four week cycle and she works down from 15 to 10 reps. I believe that a lot of the size-building of the one set is due to how the reps are performed, in addition to the relatively high intensity. I maximize tension whether I need to or not to move the weight, I pause briefly at the top for maximum contraction and now I also pause briefly at the bottom to negate momentum and the stretch-reflex--which only allows for tension at the bottom of the movement, then just shoots the bar up. Using this technique, every repetition is a major pain.

This photo was taken 6 weeks after hernia surgery. Again, an injury not related to lifting.
(scientific muscle @ Jun. 06 2007,06:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"></div>
I haven't posted on here in ages so about time I showed my face!

I'm mixing up heavy MST style sets for strength with regular sets of 8-10 reps for hypertrophy to keep the volume up. Also introduced some fitness work. The MST style sets means I have 1 min for each rep (that's 1 min to lift and then rest, not a super slow 1 min rep!). If it doesn't say MST then they're regular sets. Workouts are every other day.

Bench - 10 MST reps, then 2x5 regular
Bentover Rows - 10 MST reps, 2x5
DB seated press - 3x10
Chins - 3x10
10 sets of burpees with 1 min between sets (aiming to build up to 100 overall, at about 80 at the moment)

Deads - 10MST style reps
SL Deads - 2x5 r
Incline press - 3x10
Upright Rows - 3x10
EZ Curls - 3x10
Push Downs - 3x10
HIIT on the teadmil

Military press standing, 10xMSt, 2x5
Chins, 10xMST, 2x5
Dips 3x10
Seated row 3x10
10 x burpees

Squats 10xMST, 2x5
Incline Press 3x10
Chins 3x10
DB exts 3x10
Incline Hammer curls 3x10
HIIT on the treadmill

The logic behind the routine is

1) heavy sets are good for strength training

2) the 1 min limit keeps me below my 1rm.

3) It should also be good for hypertrophy as I can handle more load with MST reps.

4) I've added 2 sets of 5 to the 'heavy' exercises to increase the volume with heavy weights in less time than extending the MST set would take. Also may prevent any decrease in strength over 5 reps that MST-only training might induce.

5) Having a 4 day gap between heavy sets for each bodypart means I can up the intensity.

6) The sets of 10 should take care of any metabolic benefits there may be for hypertrophy, increase overall volume and allow me to work out each bodypart every other day.

7)Legs are excepted because of the amount of cardio although burpees are no joke for leg strength and endurance!

So far strength appears to have increased whilst weight has gone down which is hopefully a good indication. I'm playing around with an IF type diet, I workout in the morning so eat like a b*stard for the rest of th day, the next day protein and veggies only...I might start jogging to work on off days too.


Since when can guest post...without being registered???

Not that its a big deal...b/c its not just wondering???