What rep week did anyone gain the most mass?


New Member
The reason I ask this is because I just started HST training, but I decided to skip the 15 rep weeks and go for 12 reps.The reason is because I think 15 reps wont do anything for mass gains.
So was it a bad idea to skip the 15 rep weeks?
So far I'm in my 2nd day of HST with 12 reps, but I not seeing any mass gains, so should I start another SD week and start all over?
Also my body-type is an ecto/mesos, what would be optimal training principles for my bodytype?
Also was it ok to reduce calories and do cardio for fat loss when I did my SD week?

Sorry for asking additional questions, I just want to know where I stand.
There's no way to quantify it to that level without access to some serious information and a hyper accurate method for measuring body mass and body fat percentages. Also, this is a method of periodization, not steroids. It's not going to produce 'acute' results, meaning blatantly noticeable results from one cycle, much less one microcycle of a certain rep range. Plan your cycles, keep it going for at least six months to a year, eat well, and then see if you make gains. If you're not willing to wait that long, you may want to consider other means.

Also, stop worrying about details. Muscle gain is a chronic not an acute process. 1000 mediocre workouts performed regularly will get you results you can't get from 10 stellar workouts performed irregularly. Gaining muscle mass naturally is a matter of time, patience, and dedication. You will get more gains from paying due attention to those factors than you ever will from tweaking a detail here or there about your workout.
TS far I'm in my 2nd day of HST with 12 reps, but I not seeing any mass gains, so should I start another SD week and start all over?

Wow, I bet we all wish we could see gains after only 2 sessions.... ;)

You hopefully already know your body will take a lot longer than 2 sessions to build. So be patient, stick with HST principles, eat properly ( watching your calories an PCF), sleep well and enjoy the gains...
Thanks for the replies, I know it takes longer then two sessions to see gains, I'm just seeing if this is right for me(bodytype wise).

But you guys didn't seem to answer at what rep range or cycles of hst training did you see noticeable gains.
Once again thanks for the replies.
There's no way to quantify it to that level without access to some serious information and a hyper accurate method for measuring body mass and body fat percentages. Also, this is a method of periodization, not steroids. It's not going to produce 'acute' results, meaning blatantly noticeable results from one cycle, much less one microcycle of a certain rep range. Plan your cycles, keep it going for at least six months to a year, eat well, and then see if you make gains. If you're not willing to wait that long, you may want to consider other means.

Also, stop worrying about details. Muscle gain is a chronic not an acute process. 1000 mediocre workouts performed regularly will get you results you can't get from 10 stellar workouts performed irregularly. Gaining muscle mass naturally is a matter of time, patience, and dedication. You will get more gains from paying due attention to those factors than you ever will from tweaking a detail here or there about your workout.

That's what I was going to say.

Seriously dude, calm down. You aren't going to look like the Hulk tomorrow if you just get the right routine. It takes many cycles to add enough mass for you to notice, as CDB said. And if you aren't eating right, doesn't really matter if you do 15s or not. You aren't going to see any gains. Just so you know, even guys on steroids wouldn't see much for anything noticeable in only two weeks.

Also just so you know, I've gained muscle on 15 reps before. It is possible, so the 15s definitely aren't a waste of time. I don't like them as much as 5s because 5s are more fun, but they have their place.
What Tote said, but to answer the qn directly I've found that 5-7 rep-range with an additional set of 15s at the end of the workout works best for me. It's all moot without the correct diet though.
I LOVED 15s. Not sure I made any mass gains but I wasn't expecting to. The workout was great and I was "nicely sore" all over for the full two week micro cycle. Because the weights were so light, it was a great opportunity to truly focus on form and tempo. I tried to ensure enough time under tension (45-60 seconds) per set so I was definitely well "pumped" and dripping sweat after each workout.

As I progress through multiple HST cycles, I don't foresee ever skipping 15s.
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I'm pretty sure I'm your polar opposite when it comes to 15's, haven't included them as a cycle segment since 2006 :p
That's like 30 reps myo-reps style? Do you try to finish initial 15 reps normal style, adding pauses afterwards?
I go 15 - 25 reps straight depending on what day of the 15s, then shoot for at least 5 more shots of 5 reps each. When I can't do 5 reps, I quit.
I go 15 - 25 reps straight depending on what day of the 15s, then shoot for at least 5 more shots of 5 reps each. When I can't do 5 reps, I quit.

That is exactly what I will try this go around. Thanks for all of your advice on this forum.