what should i drop or change in my routine?


New Member
i basically taken it from a sample and add in some exercise
Squat-2 set(done with smith machine because gym doesnt have power rack)
Leg curl-1 set
Incline bench press-2 set
Incline cable crossover-1 set(added in because I found out my inner upper chest is kind of laggin compared to other parts of chest)
Dips - 1 set
Deadlift - 1 set (added in because I read somewhere in the net that it is "important" for building mass and strengthening the core)
Bent over row - 2 set
Machine lat pulldown - 2 set
Shoulder press - 1 set
Lateral raise - 1 set
Rear lateral raise - 1 set
Bicep curl - 2 set
Skullcrusher - 2 set
Standing calf raise - 2 set
Abs - 2 set
*arm and tricep exercise is being superset
What are the changes that I have to do?
I find that i havnt progress much after 2nd cycle,probably because I didnt research much and ended up applying rest-pause technique and drop set throughout my cycles.It could also because the choices of exercise i chose.
And another question,if is it possible to mix power plan into every 1st day of the 1st and 2nd week of 5's?
1st Week of 5's
ie.Monday - Every movement is done in ballistic movement.For instance :in bench press, explode the weight very fast and then have slow movement on the way down.
Wednesday - normal routine of 5's
Friday- normal routine of 5's
2nd week of 5's - repeat 1st week routine
Thanks in advance.
Too many exercises in my opinion. You don't need isolation exercises since you are doing the main compound movements like squats, bench, rows, presses and deadlifts. I hope you are planning on rotating between squats and deadlifts. Doing both of those and rows too - your lower back will be shot in no time. Just my $.02 worth. Some of the experts will come along and give you more specific recommendations now.
I agree with Hardrock, way too many exercises. You don't necessarily have to cut out all of the isolations, but most of them should be removed if all the core compound exercises are there. Remember what you said about deadlifts -
[b said:
Quote[/b] ](added in because I read somewhere in the net that it is "important" for building mass and strengthening the core)
Such exercises that are essential for building mass are:


Then on - I would change your routine where it would look like this:

Incline bench press
Incline cable crossover
Lat Pulldowns or Chins
Shoulder Press
Calf raises

If you aren't going to alternate the deadlifts and squats, then do the deadlifts before the squats so you will have more support and balance. Stretch a bit and do a warmup set for each and you will be fine.

I took out bent over rows because if you are doing lat pulldowns or chins at 2-3 sets and deadlifts, then you will not need that exercise. The lateral raises are not needed IMO with all the other compound work.

You can workout abs through HST through machine/weighted/or pulley crunches.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And another question,if is it possible to mix power plan into every 1st day of the 1st and 2nd week of 5's?

Slow eccentric movements are emphasized in weight-training. On the HST forums - we are no different. I'm not sure what the fast ballistic concentric movements will do for you. I did that a year and a half ago with curls and pulled my bicep. I really don't see the benefit out of it for safety reasons. The law of physics defends a slower concentric movement to be honest - talking about work, not power.

I see you are new to HST. Just remember that you need to eat in order to grow... take a minute rest between sets in the 15's, and more in the 10's, 5's, and negs. Check out the FAQ's too - you will find a lot of the basics and not-so-basic questions answered there.

Happy HSTing.


i added in ballistic movement because some of the mags and internet sources said that it could help to reach those fast twitch fibres.thanks for the recommendations.

anymore recommendation???
actually i went through the faq,i m kind of curious if i were to cycle the types of exercise,wouldnt the parts that i had been working on the first cycle will suffer?
lets say i put in deadlift in the 1st cycle, then the next cycle,i change it with bent over rows or t-bar rows,will my lower back "suffer" from lack of growth?
I would alternate the squats with deadlifts and would never take the deadlift out of a routine unless there is an injury. It's the greatest load for your back. I would alternate the chins with the rows.
When we say alternate exercises, we mean day to day within the cycle, not cycle to cycle.

And about the fast-twitch fibers, I read that too - and I pulled a muscle, that's all I'm gonna say.

thank u all for answering some of my doubts.so does it mean tat from time to time i could cycle calf exercise with arm exercises and trap exercises?
the new cycle
Incline bench
Incline cable crossover
Chins(T-bar rows/bent over rows/cable rows)-on alternate days
Shoulder press(upright rows/shoulder shrugs)-on alternate days
Calf raise(Bicep curl and tricep extension)-on alternate days

and another question,is it true that i should stick to one type of exercise throughout the cycle?for instance,when i alternate exercise for chins with cable rows on alternate days,i would stick to cable rows and not change it to t-bar rows(this is because i read somewhere that cable rows and t-bar rows work slightly different types of muscles-plz correct me if i m wrong).
i would say colby got it right with this

Incline bench press
Incline cable crossover
Lat Pulldowns or Chins
Shoulder Press
Calf raises

the only thing i would change is rear laterals for shoulder press simply because all the chest exercises work front delts and you have nothing for rear delts..good luck :D