What to do after finding the RMs?


New Member

I found out about HST at bodybuilding.com, and then I found this site and forum.

Last week I found my 15RM on Monday, 10RM on Wednesday and 5RM on Friday. It felt great (I hadn't lifted in 7 years), and I'm really excited about trying out HST.

I designed my workout for the first 8 week cycle and am ready to go, however, I read on bodybuilding.com that after the first week of finding your RM, you should do Strategic Deconditioning before starting your first cycle.

I cannot, however, find confirmation of this anywhere else. Is it so? Should I *not* start my first cycle right away, or can I start?

I want to do this right

So you know your RM for each now - where to go.

I was in the same boat 4 weeks ago.  I took it easy.  I took 30lbs off of each and started there adding 5lbs for each workout.

15RM-30 for workout 1
15RM-25 for workout 2
15RM-20 for workout 3

and on and on.  At the end of the 15's I had tripled my ability and my old 15RM was now my 15x3 RM - with some gas left at the end I may have been able to do more...but why overtrain at the beginning - or at anytime really.

Same procedure for the 10's but learning as I go and only doing 2 sets instead of 3 now.

Same for the 5's and for the 2's.

Today I finished the 10's and my 10RM is now my 10x2 with still more energy left at the end, could have done more but didn't.

I'm doing it for injury recovery.  Injury vs a long time off.  Looks like we both should start out by kind of taking it easy.  I've done well this way.  I bet you will too.

Thanks for your input, I still have a doubt though: I finished finding my RMs on friday, today is monday, can I go train? Or should I do SD?

I started training HST 2 days after finding my max. With an injury. Go by how you feel.

Are you sore from your testing?

The goal here isn't soreness, just building muscle. So since you've had so much time off if you are sore from testing the heavy weights - give it a few days. If you feel ready to go - go for it.

As a person who's trained with maximum weights, trying to add either reps or weight every workout for a long time, I actually found the first week of the 15's to be kind of a rest. Part of the SD time for me.
Hey people should remember SD and recovery are two different things, Bryan recommends SD to let the body decondition, ie lose connective tissue and make the body more responsive to load. Recovery is the body healing from the damage caused by weights. What you want to do is recover, 72 hours is usually more than enough recovery. SD only works after months of continuous training has made the muscle tough and resistant to stress.
ok, I got it now, thanks a lot!

I went training today, starting my first HST cycle.
I'm not a body builder, I did train between the ages of 18 and 26, and then stopped.

I'm 33 now and decided to get back to training with a more serious atittude. HST seemed to be a perfect place to start.

I wonder how it'll work for a guy like me (ie, not in shape, not bodybuilder).

In your case SD'ying is not going to add much benefit as you have been off or a long time, it is mostly for people who are switching to HST from say HIT or some other program.

I like your HST name, macaco, are you affay with the language? Or are you english speaking?

Drop me a PM and we can talk,


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto, I am portuguese.</div>

He, he, he...join the club!

We can speak in our language should you wish, but then let us do it via PM or e-mail.
