What to do after my first cycle of HST?


New Member
I will most likely continue doing HST after this first cycle but I have a few questions. What weights do I use for my 2nd cycle of HST? Do I figure these out again after I finished my first cycle? Meaning go to the gym and find my 15,10,5 rep maxes? Or just add about 5-10 lbs. to each max from the previous cycle? Also, should I even do 15's again? Any other suggestions? Thanks!

Or just add about 5-10 lbs. to each max from the previous cycle?


Also, should I even do 15's again?


Any other suggestions?

Keep at it.
Since I'm generally stronger, I like to follow the cycles with a week or two of low rep sets (3 to 5 reps) and work on anything that seems to be lagging. I don't know what your routine looks like, but after a cycle, I like to do a week of MWF:
Rows - heavy 3x5
Front Squat - heavy 3x5
Deadlift - 3x5
Bench - 3x6
Chins - 3x5

Basically, I'm trying to see how heavy I can go with the basics.

Regarding weights on the 2nd cycle: I would just add 5-20 pounds to everything. Use your training log to put the numbers together. How hard was the final day of each mini-cycle, etc..

Even though the first week with those weights will seem really light, definitely do the 15s! I've found them to recuperative for my joints. I think they they're beneficial for strength gains as well.

Remember to take a week or so off for the strategic deconditioning too