What to pair powercleans with?


New Member
I'm lifting 2x week and was wondering everyone's thoughts on what to pair my powercleans with

day 1: squat, bench, powerclean

day 2: deadlift, bench, row

my thought is that the powerclean and deadlift in the same day is somewhat redundant. any thoughts?
I tried alternating deads and powercleans and it worked pretty well but I was also squatting 2 x weekly. You could try deads and powercleans in the same workout and use powercleans as your 'warmup' for deads.

You could try:

Day 1: powerclean, deadlift, bench, chin

Day 2: squat, bench, row
the gym was packed so my first day back i had to do this order: squat, powerclean, bench. I barely had any energy for the benching. Now i can barely walk and this is the 3rd day. I always find that week 1, I can only manage 1 day of legs, but starting week 2 I should be back in the swing of things. I'll try the cleans with the deadlifts and see what happens.
i do 3x a week.

3-5 sets of each, sort of running micro hst cycles each week.

M: power clean, flat bench, squat, extra random crap(abs, some arm work)

W: bent over rows, inc bench, squat

F: power clean flat, squat, lots of extra crap ( arms, abs, pull ups, just trying to introduce some new movements at end of the week before 2 days off) - swimming and sauna action.
(xarfox @ Feb. 24 2009,12:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">my thought is that the powerclean and deadlift in the same day is somewhat redundant. any thoughts?</div>
How does your power clean compare to your deadlift weightwise?