What would you do?


New Member
I am about to finish my 10's this week and all next week the gym will be closed so I will not be able to workout.  I'm on a base in Korea so the base gym is the only one that I have access to.

So bascially I will be starting my 5's after an SD because of the gym closure.  Should I just go into the 5's as planned without changing the weight or what?

Like the title says, what would you do?
(Dvst8or @ Oct. 29 2007,20:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am about to finish my 10's this week and all next week the gym will be closed so I will not be able to workout. I'm on a base in Korea so the base gym is the only one that I have access to.

So bascially I will be starting my 5's after an SD because of the gym closure. Should I just go into the 5's as planned without changing the weight or what?

Like the title says, what would you do?</div>
I dunno, I think if it were me, after a week off I'd start a week of 10's before going on to the fives. You don't want to stop your cycle now, just when it's getting to the good stuff. Nor do you want to jump right into the fives after a week off.
Like Tunnelrat, I wouldn't jump into the 5's after a week off. Give yourself a week of 10's as a primer for the 5's.
If you do a week of 10s you might as well work up to your maxes again (ie. repeat the second week of 10s).

Actually, I don't think it would be a bad thing if you were to go straight into the start of 5s, particularly if you have some zig-zag in your schedule. I think that's what I would do. I have some zig-zag in my schedule so the loads I lift at the start of 5s are pretty similar to what I lift during the second week of 10s but I benefit from the reduced fatigue from doing sets of 5 reps rather 10. I love the 5s!

You could easily do a few exercises on your week away from the gym (chins and dips spring to mind). Make sure you eat well too. All the best.
I agree with LOL and Totz , after a week I would not only enter the 5's , but enter with some high expectations - seeing as how my body would be fully recovered yet not deconditioned , and it had a full week to do it's strength and size growing , unimpeeded by ongoing workouts. I'd be looking for some killer strength gains.
(Lol @ Oct. 29 2007,23:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you do a week of 10s you might as well work up to your maxes again (ie. repeat the second week of 10s).

Actually, I don't think it would be a bad thing if you were to go straight into the start of 5s, particularly if you have some zig-zag in your schedule. I think that's what I would do. I have some zig-zag in my schedule so the loads I lift at the start of 5s are pretty similar to what I lift during the second week of 10s but I benefit from the reduced fatigue from doing sets of 5 reps rather 10. I love the 5s!  

You could easily do a few exercises on your week away from the gym (chins and dips spring to mind). Make sure you eat well too. All the best.</div>
That is kinda what I was thinking. I do have some zig zag going on and the beginning weight is low enough to not really hurt too bad.

Pretty much exactly what you said Lol is what I was thinking I just wanted to make sure before I did more harm than good to myself.
I'd stay in shape by kicking the Base Commander's ass 10 times per day, 3 times during the week, for shutting down the gym. I'll bet he never shuts down the bars.