Whats HST all about

  • Thread starter imported_eagerinsight
  • Start date


I'm new to lifting, I was doing isolated body parts for around three months and was thinking of giving this program a try. I'm 23 6'2" 230, 28% bf. Will I see more definition, will I gain mass, is it a type of bodybuilding program, will I lose fat? I read the intro, but still don't get it. What is this program designed to do?
Hi eager, welcome to the club.

Well, I would describe HST as a strength training program whose main objective is to cause hypertrophy in muscles (it means... getting bigger); there are many methods that can cause hypertrophy but its principles make sure you don't hit plateaus in hypertrophy and strenght and is milder on your joints (well, that is what the theory says)..... depending on what you want you can make it with aerobic features or not.

I see your body fat% is a kind on the high side, in theory you are overweight, so I would recommend to focus on losing fat with a combination of good nutrition, aerobic exercises and strength training... for the strength training you can use HST and for nutritioin and aerobic I recommend you go to this site
no need to buy the e-book, if you implement what is says here and get interested in learning through other means in internet or books you will be on your way to having a solid ground to make decisions related to the implementation of the programs.

Hi !

You should read the site first...this will answer most of your questions.

Hst is about building muscle.

Best routine around in my opinion.

To make a long story short, We workout frequentlyl, we use basic lifts and we increase weights on every, or every other set.

For more detail look at FAQ.

Welcome aboard!