What's up everyone?


New Member
Hey guys, just thought I would do the typical forum introduction and say hey to everyone.  I found the HST website about a week ago and have been reading articles and post ever since.  I am looking forward to giving this a shot as all of the info I have been reading seems really great.

I've been training about a year and a half and wouldn't consider myself by any means advanced, but I definitely put the beginner stuff behind me and have probably put about 10-15 lbm on over that time.  AAS free, even though my training buddy recently went over to the dark side but I'm not looking to get into that any time soon.

After reading a lot of the posts, I have decided to go ahead and start an SD (started last Thursday) and will begin my first cycle a week from Monday.  In the mean time, I am looking for advice into developing the cycle itself.  I completely understand the concept of the Progressive Load.  I guess the only thing I find that will be hard, based on the example workout in the main article, is going to all of the different exercises as our school gym can get really packed at times... it takes 15 minutes to wait for a bench at peak times.

I've always been a really big fan of the main compounds which seems to be a plus when using HST.  I have seen guys talking about a 5 X 5 workout... could somebody elaborate on that?  I am guessing that maybe it means 5 sets of each of the "main five" 3 times a week?  This is more like something that seems suitable than hitting up 10-12 different areas of the gym a day.  I'm not trying to sound lazy by anymeans but feel free to tell me I'm completely wrong.

Thanks for the input in advance and looking forward to talkin'.

Daniel, welcome aboard!

Do read the 'Simplify and Win' thread. Lots of good advice there.

As far as 5x5 goes, there are lots of threads on that too.

If you want size as a natty then sticking with a basic HST plan for now will be your best bet. Get a program of exercises together and then post it here for advice on any mods.

Link to Simplify and Win below.
hi there mate
know what you mean about waiting for exercises,what i do is have an A,B, routine so if one peice of equipment is being used i do the alternate one.but i am an impatient guy who likes to crack on,if you can wait its no big deal,or just ask to join in and do a couple of sets with them.
Welcome. My advice to you would be to try the basic HST for a couple of cycles. There are so many ways you can take the HST principals that I think we all need to understand them before we modify them. By understanding them, I mean actually use them not read about them.

As far as the gym being crowded, that is a problem in most gyms around here this time of the year. The nice thing about HST is - you won't tie up any piece of equipment for more than maybe 5 minutes or so (3x5's). Many people will let you work-in if you are only going to do a couple of sets and move on.

BTW - My wife and I will be heading your way in mid-May. Our son and his wife live in Gainesville along with our beautiful 1 yr old grand daughter so we try to make it down to Florida at least 3 times a year. These are great times to be a Gator.  
