Dear Ruhl,
It must be noted that sound nutrition is to be continued regardless of phase of training.
Just because one is in SD does not mean the abandoning of whey, creatine, vitamin C and all such supplements. In fact, the week of SD requires ample rest and nutrients because it can be viewed as a moment of covalescence. To deprive your body of such tonics during the SD juncture might just be shooting yourself in the foot for the next HST cycle.
For general health, these are the supplements I take on a daily basis:
Vitamin C - 2gm
Vitamin E - 1gm
Magnesium Aspartate - 500mg
Zinc - 20mg
Gingko Extract - 1875mg
Grape Seed Plus - This is an all-in-one antioxidant supplement
Selenium - 100mcg
Fish Oils - 20-30gm
Saw Palemetto Extract - 270mg
CoQ10 - 50mg
Ginger extract - 12 capsules
Chromium Picolinate - 800mcg
B complex - 50mg of B6 and B12, 3X a day
Folic Acid - 800mcg 3X a day
EC - 3X a day
Creatine - a flat teaspoon 2-3 times a day
Whey protein - 2-3 servings in-between meals
And if I am working out, I'd add to the above:
50mg CoQ10
250mg Magnesium Aspartate
More whey protein - e.g. increase the number of scoops of powder per drink
You must decide which supplements are for the perpetuation of general health and which are for bodybuilding purposes only. For some, the use of Anabolic Primer and Driver are strictly for pre/post-workout situations. I take Primer between meals and immediately upon waking regardless of whether it's a workout day. Whey has immune-enhancing effects apart from being a quality protein thus my daily consumption of it. Notice I take creatine on all days. I don't believe in loading creatine and would rather take micro-doses throughout the day and all the time, in such way trickle-loading my creatine.
Godspeed, and happy HSTing