Why change things up


New Member
Ive been doing the same excercises and workout for a long time on hst. I do 12,8,4 3 x week full body. Should i switch off this for a 6 week cycle and do upper/lower 4 x a week to throw the body off? Im afraid to change excercises because i keep setting prs on my final workouts.
Don't change if you don't need to. Changing exercises has a couple benefits. You can hit different synergists which can help, and switching as part of a conjugate strength routine will help as well. When you switch though you need to relearn the exercise mentally so you could be getting suboptimal results hypertrophywise for a bit. In the end it doesn't matter all that much. If you're still setting personal records in strength and gaining size, don't switch your routine. When you stagnate in one or both of those areas, then look at your diet and routine and start fiddling.