Will This Work?


New Member
ok so my parents are divorced. My mom wants to take a vacation beginning my second week of 5's, so i take a week off. I have about 1 week inbetween that vacation and a vacation with my dad. So i would do 1 week of 5's, take a week off for vacation, then do 1 week of 5's then take another week off. Then i will begin on a second set of the 5 rep scheme because i cant do negatives. Will i still make good gains? is it ok to take those weeks off? will it make that much of a difference?
I would work up to my 5RM the week before the first vacation, then use the week inbetween to find my new RM maxes for 15s, 10s and 5s, then start a new cycle when I got back from the second vacation.
I would just press on. When you get back from your first vacation just repeat a couple workouts. Do the same after your second. Then just stretch the cycle for another 2 weeks or more to make up for the 2 off. Stay at your 5 RM for those two weeks and you will be fine. Try to eat maintenance during those vacations and everything will be status quo.

UPDATE: turns out i dont even have a week inbetween the two vacations. So what im going to do is just continue and do the 4th and 6th workouts of the 5 rep scheme. Its the only logical thing i can think of. I think i was reading somewhere that larger increments lead to more hypertrophy. so im gunna do those two wortkouts and go on SD/Vacation
(Old and Grey @ Jun. 21 2006,12:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have a great vacation in the briar patch!
going to kentucy kingdom with my mom ( its a HUGE amusement park) and to the beach with my dad. fun stuffs