

New Member
I used to take Xenadrine a couple years back and it worked for me. So, I'm back on it. However, I did not follow directions to take only 1/2 dose for a while.. I figured at 240lbs, I can handle the full dose right off the bat.

dang was I wrong. I was FLYING. About 6pm, I almost had a panic attack. Never felt that way before in my life.

Slept like sheeet last night as well.

Be careful with this stuff, it's no joke.

I'm following the directions now.
heh, yeah, i've heard about that. :D sounds effective ;)

what are other people's opinion of xenadrine? i'm keeping my options open toward trying an EC/ECA stack for my next couple cycles, which will be for cutting. or is the cost-effective option of getting all the ingredients separately really the way to go if on a slight budget? if the latter, how should i go about it?

If you can get an EC(A) stack with ephedrine HCL in it and can handle it, then I'd go for it. For the kind of [insert own swear word here] they sell in Europe and Australia it's not worth it.

I got ephedrine HCL from my doc when I was in the army, misread the instructions and took a table spoon instead of teaspoon and I can understand some people's reasons for banning it. However, I'm the kind of person who can take real ECA 30 minutes before bedtime and sleep like a baby :)

I think, if you haven't tried it before, there are two things you need to figure out:
1. How far are you willing to go medical wise ? Is ephedrine a drug you feel comfortable with ? I know lots of people who think it interferes with them being "natural"
2. How does your body feel about it. If you get irritable, jumpy, jittery etc etc you might not think it's worth it.

Whatever other people tell you, it all boils down to your feelings towards it and your reaction to it.
There are good herbal preparations in the market. Ephedrine HCL is probably more effective, but that doesn't mean other stuff doesn't work.
When I could actually trust my ec to come thru customs (dang terrorists) i found that dymetadrime extreme or whatever it is called, was milder in terms of heart symptoms, but caused greater fat loss. Training stimulation was better too...
Kaizen Hcl was to me, just plain harst. 1/2 a tab (12.5mg) had by bp 175/105
and fat loss didnt seem that good.
I've heard great things about dymetadrime extreme over at a UK supplements site.

They have the American version in stock (a much better version than the European one) and people on the message board are raving about it.

I'm currently using the US version of Thermonol XS - that's pretty good. I always think you can tell how good a fat burner is depending on how nervous and wide-eyed it makes you!