Recent content by tai4ji2x

  1. T

    Paleo diet

    add in the fact that for the past generation since the reforms, the socialized, lumbering, but nonetheless universal healthcare system has been dismantled. now basically only those with money, power, and/or privilge can get adequte or often even excellent care. everyone else is usually left...
  2. T

    Paleo diet

    yes, seems to be the case. plus i think tubers and starchy fruits also complicate attempts to so rigidly characterize human cultures. they do not require earthenware vessels or gristmills, as are necessary for grains and legumes, and which typically would distinguish a culture as...
  3. T

    Paleo diet

    some cultures are indeed hard to distinguish between agricultural, non-agricultural, or semi-agricultural. pacific islanders being a very heterogeneous groups to try and categorize. i was referring to the ones that were decidedly non-agricultural. i believe bananas including the...
  4. T

    Paleo diet

    oh, as for non-agricultural pacific islanders having a "high-carb" diet, to some extent this is true, but it would mainly be tubers and fruit. plus their activity levels were relatively high until television came around ;)
  5. T

    Paleo diet

    btw, recent anthropological, linguistic and genetic data alludes to the bulk of so-called "han chinese" having its origins in SE asia, somewhere in the thai penninsula. and they, in turn, having originated from sub-saharan east africa via multiple routes of migration (either via the...
  6. T

    Carb Supplements

    find a local homebrew shop. cheapest way to do it. no shipping charges.
  7. T

    How much protein powder per day?

    hmm... what if you're on keto? my LBM is around 150, and so i aim for that amount in protein (wo-days i often hit 170g, my actual BW), esp since i remember reading from lyle that around 150g is needed to maintain the nitrogen balance or something like that.
  8. T

    How much protein powder per day?

    :confused: wait... isn't it the other way around?
  9. T

    I hate dextrose

    hmm, where did the rumor, that grape juice is mostly glucose, come from then? :confused:
  10. T

    Driver Availability

    yeah, save the packets for those myoplex scam artists.
  11. T


    umm... why-are-you-writing-like-this?
  12. T

    Driver Availability

    can i ask how far off the vanilla versions are now? :D
  13. T

    Why Eat Meat?

    maybe the ones here whom are making all the pro-meat or anti-veg jokes might indulge in meat "gluttony", but saying that the claim of human beings evolving to include ample amounts of animal fat/protein in their diets is somehow synonomous with overindulgence seems to me unfair and...
  14. T

    Hemp oil

    hmm... okay, i guess you're right. heh, well better safe than sorry?
  15. T

    Atkins Dead at 72

    whoops, i got caught in the moment there. what i really should have said was "distort his life and work, especially his infection-induced heart failure from a few years ago". sorry. although my mother, who works in the nutrition field, apparently first got word of atkins' injury...