Recent content by [xeno]Julios

  1. X

    Are there any studies

    thanks aaron - i workout after my 3rd meal (out of 6) of the day, so i guess the fast protein wouldn't be that much of a factor. Good to know - I'll completely convert to egg whites (which is actually cheaper once my source starts producing their own stuff) for my whey powder, it ends up being...
  2. X

    Are there any studies

    I'm looking specifically for studies that compare subjects that consume fast protein before and after a workout, to subjects that consume slow protein. I know there was a study that was recently posted that showed that consuming whey before and after a workout resulted in more muscle gain...
  3. X

    egg whites

    thanks Lance. Do you know of any natural sources of faster proteins? Also, are egg whites as slow as casein?
  4. X

    egg whites

    So in my quest to eliminate processed foods from my diet, I'm strongly considering replacing my whey protein powder with egg whites. Cost wise, it's actually cheaper per gram of protein to go with egg whites - i just calculated this recently. Now are the proteins in egg white fast or slow or...
  5. X

    glycemic index / glycemic load

    Aaron! - please respond to my post in the weight gain thread - i'm not tryin to sucker u into anything. I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say about it.
  6. X

    HOw to you eat your oats?

    aaron - still awaiting your answer here!;t=1072
  7. X

    HOw to you eat your oats?

    I use a hand blender to blend them in water. I mix in almond butter, honey, chopped banana, ginger, and whey protein. Tastes quite delicious - the banana is key for flavour. Takes forever to blend it though, and i frequently have to reblend while i'm drinking it. I mix 3/4 of a cup of oats...
  8. X

    Weight Gainers

    Ok lemme put it this way: is there any reason I should favour malto over oats? is there any disadvantage to going low GI (at least for bulk of carbs)?
  9. X

    Weight Gainers

    so high GI is more controversial as an associated factor of diabetes, when in a hypocaloric context right? since i'm in a HYPERcaloric context (bulking with over 4000 cals) even more reason to avoid high GI right? and just for sake of caution, it seems prudent to me to lower the GI. From what...
  10. X

    Weight Gainers

    actually, with the hand blender I use, they don't blend very well - and even if they do, I definitely don't get that huge sugar rush I got from the maltodextrin based shake. Besides, anything that isn't processed is probably healthier in my books, especially when consuming large amounts in the...
  11. X

    Weight Gainers

    when you're looking to get 1500-2000 calories from carbs, it seems prudent to ease up on the high GI stuff. If only to stave off the risk of diabetes.
  12. X

    Weight Gainers

    I used the mammoth 2500 successfully for a few months - went through 8.8 kilos a month - cost me 130 canadian bux (after tax) each month. From what I understand, you can make your own cheaper, by buying maltodextrin in bulk and finding a cheap source of protein. Either way, I quit using it coz...
  13. X

    getting rid of the fat

    You can estimate the relative quantity of a given ingredient by its order on the list of ingredients. The peanut butter I used to eat (which was the dominion equality brand), had hydrogenated vegetable oil as its 2nd or 3rd ingredient. It was also loaded with corn syrup, which from what I...
  14. X

    Weight Gainers this is a useful listing of weight gainers - listed by price per calorie.