Creatine during SD?


New Member
Should I continue to take creatine during the SD period before my first HST cycle?

(I posted this in another forum but couldn't delete it- sorry mods)
Short answer: yes. There are very few circumstances where coming off/ cycling creatine offers any real advantage anyway.

I'll try and find the reference, but a couple of months ago T-mag cited a study where a group of people had one arm immobilised in a plaster cast for 10 days or so. Half the group were given creatine, the other half weren't. The non- creatine group lost a significant amount of mass in their arms. The creatine group retained all but a fraction of their size.

Like I say, I'll try and find the reference, so that some of the brighter folks on this board can assess its credibility, but if it checks out then I think its implications for the SD period are self- evident.