Looking for ground flax seed nutritional data


New Member
I've recently added whole flax seed to my diet for some extra fat... Unfortunately I'm also adicted to caffeine, but that's another problem.

I can't seem to find the full nutritional data on ground flax seed. I can find the calories per tablespoon but I'd like to know the fat, protein and carbs as well! I realize it will vary upon the degree of grinding, but there must be some rough numbers out there... Flax is great, but I'd really like to start grinding it insted of chewing those seeds for a half an hour at a time...
I tried search the database but found the regular information: flaxseed whole. After doing some quick browsing of the site, I sent an email to the site requesting the information... I suppose if I really had to, I could figure it out w/some type of ratio... but it would be nice if there was some "official data" on this subject....
Well that would work on a case by case basis, but unfortunately it wouldn't do the trick here. I've been buying flax seed at the local grocery store by the scoopful, plan to grind it in my blender, then store it in the fridge (up to 90 days), then take a scoop (by the Tbsp) to add to food... Seems like it will work out. Anyway, I tried playing w/the numbers and came up w/the following:

1 Tbsp of ground flax seed
Calories: 42.48
Fat: 2.94g
Carbs: 2.96g
Protein 1.68g

I gathered info based off:

This will probably work.... comments?
I buy prepackaged whole flaxseed at my local health food store, and your data matches the data on the nutrition facts label on my container. I do what you do- actually, I buy a pound at a shot, grind it up in a coffee grinder, put it in a Ziploc bag and freeze it. A tablespoon every AM in my oatbran or oatmeal, add a little brown sugar and cinnamon, and it makes a great breakfast!
BTW, I was just checking this afternoon- according to a number of flaxseed sites (you can find them by Googling)- about 50% of the fat in flaxseed is omega-3, which means 1TBS yields about 1.5G.
You freeze it? That's a new idea to me... I was reading (I believe from the flax council) that you can keep ground flax in an opaque contaner in the fridge for up to 90 days. But freezing it... that would probably extend it to a year or more? Good idea! To bad my freezer is garbage.

Yeah, the fat in flax is the great Omega fats! There is one problem that others may not be aware of or overlooked (see the Eating for size article - Fat section): Caffieine interferes w/the linolenic acid converting to EPA and DHA, both of which are Omega3s. So if you drink caffeine you may not be reaping all the Omega3 benefits of flax! Bryan mentioned this as it relates to flax oil, but I see no reason not to apply it to ground flax seed... This is bad news for me as I'm a caffeine freak =/ I'd like to get off the stuff, but I loooove coffee and other sodas that contain it... What about you guys?