Lower dominant accessories day
5min knees-up march, 5min wake-up walk
FPDL, medium-V, swing-in, triples; 1 x3-70, 120, 170,
230@8.5. 3 x1-240@9.
Felt good, plenty of room to improve on technique and increase load.
SSB SQ, triples, sleeves; 1 x3-82, 132, 162@7, 162@7,
162@7.5. Feeling good after taking Monday off squats.
RDLs, medium-V stance; 2 x8-170.
Larsen bench, pinkies on rings, paused triples EMOM; 1 x5-70. 4 x3-100. Nice to mix the grip up. This has always been a comfortable grip width for me, even if the ROM increase impacts max load.
SG hypers, #6 50deg; 3 x8-80. Focusing on getting my hips well over the pad at setup.
Standing pulley abs; 3 x12-55kgs.
Leg extensions; 3 x15-40.
Leg curls; 3 x10-30.
Generally quite happy with the session. Tomorrow will be completely free of posterior chain and legs loading. Some ideas for Monday.
Daily walks
1 x30min
2 x15min