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  1. C

    peanut butter

    Pity you have little understanding of food science or the underlying science the USDA has to use pep databases. Let me break this down to you in S-I-M-P-L-E terms a 2 tbsp. serving of peanut butter has 16 grams of fat so lets start eliminating the possibilities of TFA's and see what we come up...
  2. C

    peanut butter

    Bwaaaaa!!!! Try about .1-.3g per serving. By USDA rationale regular PB is trans fat free. (less than .5g)
  3. C

    Medial Epicondylitis

    If you do a pubmed search on "eccentric and tendonitis" there is a lot of (+) work using eccentric only training as a treatment for tendonitis conditions. I have chronic ME and this allows me to still do some training and can actually do full training once every other week. It worked...
  4. C

    Why even use Whey?

    Please look at the big picture dkm. Primer/Driver have additives for their intended purposes and no, I don't think Bryan's products are "low" quality (in fact I use his Driver product) but I THOUGHT we were looking at protein not blends.
  5. C

    Why even use Whey?

    Bryan and Aaron said what I have said. Also no whey I have ever seen is that "unpure" as your example unless it is the lowest od quality. A standard scoop will hold approx. 26 grams of "x" powder. At least 23g+ should be protein. Do you really want to get into the benefits...
  6. C

    Why even use Whey?

    Whey has to be the cheapest per gram of protein. Why are you using flax oil?
  7. C

    Why even use Whey?

    Dig Dis Sci. 1982 Aug;27(8):705-11. Gastric emptying and intragastric distribution of lipids in man. A new scintigraphic method of study. Jian R, Vigneron N, Najean Y, Bernier JJ. We measured gastric emptying of fat and water from a solid-liquid meal in healthy volunteers using a tubeless...
  8. C

    Why even use Whey?

    You are answering your own question dkm. Whey and Casien have almost identical AA profiles only differences are the digestion rates. Also note that this is all a moot with the addition of other foods and/or frequent feeding on the tune of a meal every 3ish hours. Casien will also be better...
  9. C

    What Makes A Good Machine

    I run a rehab center and looked at many different options for resistance work. It just seems like every system has some setback to the design. There was a company that made a plate loaded machine similar to Hammer. I really liked there design and resistance curve. I can't think of it now for...
  10. C

    counting grams of protein

    IIRC a lot of the work on protein and nitrogen retention (Lemon?) used TOTAL protein intake from all sources.
  11. C

    Good fast foods ?

    Remember that there is still no guideline for how much TFA will elicit a negative response. Some fish will have mercury, some chicken will have arsenic, etc, etc. Enough of it will be bad or well.........deadly. Obviously a diet that controls fat content will help control TFA content by shear...
  12. C

    Good fast foods ?

    Udo's choice will make you hyoooge!!
  13. C

    Good fast foods ?

    All your post said was what I said originally. 1. not a real concern unless you eat lots of processed crackers, biscuits, breads or frozen dinners 2. Worrying about scant amounts of TFA's in food like PB is a waste of time. TFA's in scant amounts is present in many foods d/t other...
  14. C

    Good fast foods ?

    TFA's are not really a concern unless you eat tons of processed carb foods like biscuits, crackers, and TV dinners. Most of the foods people avoid (like reg. peanut butter) have trace amounts of TFA's.
  15. C

    Is it protein that harms the kidneys, or is it

    This theory came from some very poor, very old science. I believe it involved a high protein diet and patients with renal insufficiency. They had a worsening of their insufficiency (no crap). So they proposed that "protein taxes the kidneys". Using this logic is like saying cardio...
  16. C

    Wife's weight loss, cholesterol plateau

    not really worth messing with. Just increase H20 to compensate is a lot easier than worrying about proper K/Na ratio's. A lower sodium diet will have more natural foods as a whole and a subsequent increase in potassium. The food processing well.......process takes out potassium and increases...
  17. C

    Wife's weight loss, cholesterol plateau

    As a whole the numbers have greatly improved. total/HDL ratio is improved, TG's are down (thanks to a keto diet), VLDL is down significantly (a greater risk for CAD than LDL's). May want to try some salt restriction. If that doesn't improve BP then she may just have a genetic predisposition...
  18. C

    weight loss in sedentary people

    The latest work puts a pound of muscle mass at 6 calories a day. A pound of fat mass is about 2-3 calories a day to maintain. Not a huge difference in the grand scheme.
  19. C

    canned tuna & health risks

    AFAIK there is no convincing evidence that wild fish are safer than farm raised. Some wild fish have had ridiculous evels of mercury due to the waters they swim in. There isn't stringent water regulation throughout the world.
  20. C

    MSG dangerous?

    I have developed MSG sensitivity in the last year, I will get terrible headaches when I eat commercial beef jerky for example. You will know if you are sensitive.