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  1. K

    mix protein in hot water

    Edziu's post
  2. K

    total cals can i just eat whenever ?

    Well I would like to take credit for that but this is my first post in this thread! Im pretty sure the question is 'does excess calories from protein turn to body fat?' I guess some experts think you can eat all the protein you want and not put on any fat because the unused protein will come...
  3. K

    grass-fed, free-range livestock

    Teh source for my comments were Sears and his source was the USDA food guide.
  4. K

    grass-fed, free-range livestock

    The EPA content of farm raised salmon is usually higher than free Atlantic Salomon but the AA (arichidonic acid) is also 4 times higher which i Guess sought of negates the benefits.
  5. K

    Pre workout meal

    HAve you tried to take it during the workout instead. Have a normal meal 1.5-2.5 hours before then sip on protein/carb mix through the workout. The idea is to start drinking it after your warm up to avoid a rebound in blood sugar. You could also try splitting it up and take the protein alone .5...
  6. K

    creatine while dieting?

    So he really did it. I remember him talking about way back. Good one
  7. K

    Before bedtime

    Taking some fat and low gi carbs will slow it down some. I guess it would be preferable to use a slower protein (e.g real food) like meat/yogurt/cheese but adding the other macros will work. Protein is most effective around the workout so always try to get some there (pre/post) but the 36-48...
  8. K

    how much food is enough?

    Well you might have to stuff yourself. Depends on what food your eating. Most of my carbs come from fruit&veg and Im am stuffing myself on 1600 cals! Thats the problem with going by feel. I go by macronutrients which breaks things down to simpler level. It is easier to look at something...
  9. K

    the sun , does it affect training

    I saw it on 'A Current Affair' of something so it must be true :D You got it backwards. Sun is better than food (at least according to Mike Munroe ;) )
  10. K

    Zone Diets

    But insulin makes you fat :D The great thing about the Zone is that it gives the appetite suppression and the resulting steady blood sugar levels keep energy higher while eating very low cals but what of the selective research Seras uses to support 40/30/30 Some of it seems to support that...
  11. K

    the sun , does it affect training

    We just had some news story about the latest research showing that dietary vitamin D is useless. It's not converted or something. Anyway, back to testosterone and burnt lobster-red balls!
  12. K

    FAQ re: post-WO

    I'm 98% certain it is Bryan! Still, I think the consensus, not to mention research is still siding towards carbs/prot mix. Wouldn't the protein only meal be converted to glucose? The first goal of the body after a workout is to restore glucose to cns and glycogen to muscles before bothering...
  13. K

    FAQ re: post-WO

    Ya, I was thinking the same. That look like Bryan's style of writing but I cant remember ever seeing the original post. If it is true it will fit well into my new diet.
  14. K

    keto advice please!

    It is mainly water loss. You have lost alot of glycogen from the muscles. Glycogen = carbs =>carbs hold water. You cant lose that mucg fat in 12 days. Look for only 1.5 pounds maximum or risk alot of muscle. Your BW should become more stable from here out (but fluctuate higher during carb...
  15. K

    O.K. lame question:

    Not so lame a question after all, phew. Goos news is that I have broken from the Zone for a whole two days and it aint so bad but I haven't had a workout yet. I have upped the protein to ~150 (which puts it ~1g/pd LBM) dived it equally across 6 meals with my fat allocation of 30% and am...
  16. K

    before bed?

    I add the fat in there as a 'control rod' to slow the release of nutrients and moderate blood sugar levels. I dont know much about when the best time is to take EFAs except to take them! Wouldn't hurt tho. Bryan seems to space EFA intake over the day. I usually just chug down a tablespoon or so...
  17. K

    before bed?

    Not really. Probably something close to what you would take pre workout plus some fat (20g pro/20-30g carbs/5-10g fat)
  18. K

    Timing of workouts and meals

    HAs it ever been proven a rule? Maybe it is just another gym myth? Ever heard of the Warrior Diet (2 meals a day) some claim excellent results? I agree that eating something especially protein every 3-4 hours would be best but you can still do that regardless if you eat 50% of cals around...
  19. K

    O.K. lame question:

    But the magic of the Zone is not being hungry for 4-5 hours after a meal! Setting my protein at 150 and adjusting the carbs to get my calories low enough to go below 10% bf = hungry and ketosis. Physiology sucks huge amounts of @$$ :mad: I am the Roadrunner, never learnt about gravity so I won't...