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  1. B

    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

    Ok, now I am totally confused. CLA is safflower oil and in a way that I couldn't understand, in your post it appears that safflower oil has has 74 of something...please clarify. Then on to the other things...I thought that Polyunsaturated fat is Omega 6 and Monunsaturated fat is the Omega 3...
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    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

    Long question short…can I get all the EFAs recommended for hypertrophy from snacking on nuts, cooking with olive oil and supplementing with 3-4grams of CLA per day? Or would you say I would also need to buy and take fish oil/flax seed oil? Brak
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    Listening To The Body

    Bump. I'd like to hear the answer to that as well.\ Brak
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    Nutrition during Deconditioning

    A bit of a sticky wicket, that one. When I asked this same question a while back I was told to cut back to maintenance during SD. But you want to keep protein levels high so you don't lose muscle. And you don't want to cut calories so much that your body thinks you are dieting. So to keep...
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    Manta Ray

    I was considering purchasing one of these. Sounds like it be of great help. I find it is uncomfortable to squat with the bar high on my traps and when I put it in the more comfortable spot between the traps and posterior delt I am distracted by the feeling that it is sliding down and needing to...
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    I like the fact the Bryan and O&G like it, that makes me like if I only knew what it is (an inertia seatbelt). ;) Brak
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    Heh-heh, I just found this thread...didn't realize it had been dead for a couple months...Bored out of my skull tonight.
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    Hiya, I haven't read the entire thread yet, so maybe this gets clarified on subsequent pages...if so, sorry for the redundant post. Testosterone IS prescribed to men for improve their sex drive. I personally know a woman whose husband is on HRT for extrememly low test levels. No, you can't go...
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    Protein shakes and nausea

    Well, Acolyte, it sounds like you need to eat more, given your condition, lots more. And since you have a hard time gaining muscle and fat, there is hope, because you can just take BoSox' advice, eat a ton, and not worry too much about gaining fat along with your muscle. Just eat, eat, eat...
  10. B

    Progessive overload

    I was referring to something I saw somewhere else that was saying you should get at least 30 seconds or the workout was essentially worthless. And it went on to discuss how different TUTs work different muscle fibers and that you should workout some days where you only get 30 seconds, and other...
  11. B

    Protein shakes and nausea

    I know my MRP (Prolab's Lean Mass Matrix) tastes great, but is...I dunno...too thick. With my Whey shakes I usually try to use as little water as possible so it tastes good. But doing this with my MRP makes it thick, not thick like a delicious milkshake, but thick like some gelatinous fluid...
  12. B

    Progessive overload

    Excellent, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks Dan & Bryan. So let me ask one more thing...if I do one set of 5 that lasts 20 seconds, then take a one or two minute break and do another set of 5 that lasts 20 seconds, can I reasonably say that muscle spent 40 seconds TUT? Or do all the...
  13. B

    Protein shakes and nausea

    You should try taking it with some form of carbs, maybe even try an MRP. If you are the type of "hardgainer" that is skinny and never seems to get fat no matter how much you eat or what you eat, you could certainly use something like NLarge2. Massive amounts of calories and since it...
  14. B

    Progessive overload

    It sounds like Bryan is saying that the amount of reps does not relate to load in the way that other programs (like power factor training, etc) would have you believe. And that inducing growth has to do mainly with increase the load regardless of how many reps are done. Lowering the amount of...
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    Brian’s “Eating For Size "

    I don't know Sonny. I'm into my last week of 5s on my first cycle and I also had the best results during my 15s. I went from 180 to 190 during the 15s and a little of that was fat. For the past three weeks, two weeks of 10s and a week of 5s, I think I have gained a total of one pound. I am...
  16. B

    protein question

    I don't know...but I have noticed that it seems to be trendy for people "in the know" to go out of their way to debunk things. Seems like these days more credibility is being given to the people who say not to use/do something because it hasn't been proven to help than the people who...
  17. B

    Vitamin C

    Well, efficacy in prevention of illness aside, if vitamin C has been shown to inhibit hypertrophy, then why would it be included in BCAA pills that are specifically designed to maximize muscle gain. Aargh! That is what upsets me! Brak!
  18. B

    Vitamin C

    Yeah, I don't like the implication that we don't know if it will have a signifigant impact on hypertrophy or not. I have heard contradictory advice that says because of (here is my layman shining through) such & such, your immune response is lowered right after workouts and you should take...
  19. B

    Complex vs. simple carbs.

    Thanks everybody, I got a lot out of this thread.
  20. B

    What's wrong with Fried Chicken?

    Not KFC...I'm talking about eating it at home...everyone talks about how olive oil is a good source of the healthy fats. I also heard canola is good. Checked the ingredients...the canola has more Omega 3 & 6 and less omega 9, but they both have very little saturated fat. So why not make...