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    Another study

    Full text at Influence of diet and exercise on skeletal muscle and visceral adipose tissue in men. Ross R, Rissanen J, Pedwell H, Clifford J, Shragge P. School of Physical and Health Education, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada...
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    eDoes this look like a workable plan ?

    Does this plan look realistic ? Rainier.
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    Weight loss in Men. Diet or exercise

    Reduction in Obesity and Related Comorbid Conditions after Diet-Induced Weight Loss or Exercise-Induced Weight Loss in Men A Randomized, Controlled Trial Robert Ross, PhD; Damon Dagnone, MSc; Peter J.H. Jones, PhD; Heidi Smith, BSc, RD; Anne Paddags, MSc; Robert Hudson, MD, PhD; and Ian Janssen...
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    Gender difference in fat loss

    Reduction of visceral adipose tissue during weight loss. Doucet E, St-Pierre S, Almeras N, Imbeault P, Mauriege P, Pascot A, Despres JP, Tremblay A. School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. OBJECTIVE: The aims of the present study were to retrospectively: (1)...
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    What percentage of total calories is breakfat ?

    They say that breakfast is the most important meal and you should not get rid of it or reduce calories from breakfast. When you are dieting, what percentage of total calories comes from breakfast ? What percentage of total calories would come from pre/post workout meals. My experience is that...
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    What ratio of fat/muscle can you expect to gain ?

    What ratio of fat to muscle can you expect to gain while bulking up ? Up sure the answer will be "it depends", so to make it easy: Assume: * 400 calories per day above maintenance * 30/40/30 protein/carb/fat macronutrient split * Experienced lifter who has gained 10kg of muscle a few...
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    more ?s on oil

    My sister-in-law stayed over the other day and bought dinner one night. She bought a roast chicken and a bunch of hot chips. She would have eaten about 300g of chips but was diligent to take the skin off her chicken. Rainier.
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    more ?s on oil

    Why are trans fatty acids, hydrogenated fats and heat damaged fats bad ? ie what bad effects do they have when you injest them ? Rainier.
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    Water, Water All Around

    Maybe you should use it for something else. Rainier.
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    How hard should you diet while taking Bromocriptin

    a) 500 calories below maintenance (ie no change) b) Maintenance (because bromo increases daily caloric expenditure) c) 1000 calories below maintenance (because bromo will reduce the side effects associated with dieting very hard) Rainier.
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    Lifting Weights whilst on Bromocriptine

    One of the common side effects of Bromocriptine is that you can feel dizzy and light headed when standing up. Does this cause problems when lifting weights ? I imagine that fainting half way through a squat is not a good thing. Rainier.
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    How is it noticable ? ie what do you notice ? How do you know it is the HMB ? Rainier.
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    Ketogenic diet

    Why is this so ? Isn't it just a case of calories in and caloreis out ? Don't ketogenic diets leave your muscles resistant to insulin ? Isn't that bad ? Rainier.
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    Fiber for fat loss

    In the interview with Dr. Eric Serrano he recommend fiber for fat loss. What is the role of fiber in fat loss ? Is it just a bulking agent to suppress hunger ? Rainier.
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    Bryan - Question about thinkmuscle newsletter #22

    In the newsletter you mentioned that some supplement companies like to pretend that their products are drugs. What do you think distinguishes a drug from a supplement ? Rainier.
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    Pre/Post cardio nutrition

    I run once a week for about 14 minutes. I'm not that good and I only cover 2.5km during that time, but for me it is an all out effort. I imagine that you probably want simple sugars pre/post run for similar reasons as you do when doing weight training. How much sugar should I have after a run ...
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    15-Fold Increase in Insulin Activity

    Are there methods to increase muscle insulin sensitivity without increasing fat insulin sensitivity ? or decreasing fat insulin sensitivity without decreasing muscle insulin sensitivity ? Rainier.
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    15-Fold Increase in Insulin Activity

    Why would you want to be more sensitive to insulin ? I understand that you may want to have muscles that are more sensitive to insulin and fat that is more resistant to insulin. When you say something like agent-x (green tea) makes you more sensitive to insuline I assume that the effect is...
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    Ketogenic diet

    </span> <span =''> Why do you say that ? Rainier.
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    insulin and weight gain

    I've read that insulin is extremely anabolic (more so than testosterone). Insulin is great for packing on muscle but also increases fat gain. If you understand how insulin works, that kind of makes sense, but how does it fit into the context of calories in and calories out. Let say you eat...