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  1. S

    Carbs post-workout

    Also, remember that when bulking you are consuming many more carbohydrate calories which means that you can get away with less protein than when you are eating at a deficit.
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    homemade Yohimbeburn

    I agree with D. I also don't tolerate oral Yohimbine hcl very well at all. 2.5mg is enough to cause increased HR, anxiety,etc. Lipoderm delivers around 50mg per 4 pumps and I feel no sides at all. My waist (at the navel) and lower chest have both been leaning out very nicely while using the...
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    homemade Yohimbeburn

    I'm not sure that it can be made with Yohimbee Bark. I wouldn't think that it could pass through the skin with any carrier. Yohimbine Hcl would be the thing to use. You can get Lipoderm-Y fairly cheap at I can tell you from experience that this product works very well. Add...
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    morning workouts

    I usuall try and have it around 30 minutes before I start the actual training. This doesn't include setting up and warm up or anything. So 20 minutes before I go downstairs is pretty standard. I also find that 100-200mg of caffeine with the shake helps a lot. It's most noticable around half...
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    morning workouts

    I usually double the carbs pre workout if I train in the AM. After the over night fast, It seems to really help. I usually train in the late afternoon, so changing it to morning workouts when I have to kind of sucks without the proper nutrition and more warming up.
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    Trim Spa: Ephedra free? Does it work?

    I dont' think this is the ephedra free version. If you go to the next page, it has a section of the safety of ephedra. It's not really easy to judge the effectiveness due to the "proprietary blends". This allows them to get away with not listing the exact amounts of each ingredient...
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    bulking and cutting phases

    I think that your first suggestion is the better one. Only allowing for a 3% fluctuation in bf% makes it much easier to drop the fat. This past fall/winter I bulked from August to January and I have just recently brought my BF% down below where it was last year. It sucked. One good theing is...
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    Eating during SD

    Slowly drop to maintenance over the first few days of SD and hold there until you start the next cycle. Start the next cycle at or just below maintenance and slowly lower your calories until you are losing an acceptable amount of weight (fat) per week. I've noticed that with HST during...
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    fat loss products

    I used 4 pumps 2x/day. I agree that you shouldn't use it too close to a workout, but if you apply in the morning and then workout in the afternoon there should be no worries about losing any through sweat.
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    fat loss products

    The slight burning after application is normal, I have never noticed any dizziness related to Ab-solved. I've also never heard this complaint before from any of the feedback. That being said, I wouldn't be overly concerned unless it worsens with subsequent applications. You may want to ask...
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    fat loss products

    Just another quick update. I hadn't planned on measuring until I was completely done with the bottle, but yesterday after my shower I noticed that my waist looked smaller. So, I pulled out the tape and to my surprise, I was down another 3/4". That's a total of 1.25" since July 16th...
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    I can't sleep on SD

    A couple of things: 1. Much of the problem with over prescription of antibiotics is patient driven. The patient comes to the doc with complaints. Even though it's most likely a viral infection, the patient feels he/she needs "something" to get rid of the infection. Since a virus...
  13. S

    fat loss products

    Ab-Solved is a topical gel that contains 7-keto DHEA. It is designed to deliver the active locally and not systemically. As mad Amos stated, it is used to block cortisol in the abdominal area. Many people are prone to excess visceral fat. Visceral fat is fat that accumulates around your organs...
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    I can't sleep on SD

    Restless brings up a great point about your being over stressed. You are overthinking SD WAY too much. Taking 9-12 (or even more) days off of training will not kill you. Look around and see how many people NEVER exercise. Most of them are fine. Maybe overweight, but they're not all sick...
  15. S

    Is Strategic Deconditioning Systemic or Local?

    In my experience, it's both. The individual muscles are deconditioned to the heavier loads, but I definitely feel like my overall conditioning has decreased. This seems to come back very quickly though. The first day of 15s (lightest day) is actually one of the toughest days of the whole cycle.
  16. S

    How to SD?

    Dude I think it's a joke. Lighten up Francis. ;) As far as determining SD length, I do this. The longer the cycle (the more time spent at the heaviest weights) the longer the SD. A 6 week cycle with no drop sets and I'll do 10 or so days. An 8 week cycle with drop sets throughout the 5s, and...
  17. S

    How to SD?

    It can be frustrating to think of not training for how ever long your SD is. I am on a 14 day SD right now. You will not lose real muscle, lose strength or gain fat if you do things correctly. Think of how long it takes to get where you are. It's not all going away in a week or two. Make...
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    fat loss products

    Amos is right. I've been using Ab-Solved for a week or so alternated daily with Lopiderm-Y with some very impressive results. I'll report something more definative in a week or so.
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    Cutting on "high" calories

    People are so individual in the metabolism department that what works for one most likely will not work for another. Restless has a mutant metabolism ;) If I recall, he eats around 5000 cals/day while bulking. If I did that, I would end up looking like a sumo wrestler. As he stated, he is...
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    I just read this at 1fast400 yesterday. It seems that using 6OXO alone has its benefits. Although at 600mg a day for 3 weeks it can be pricey. Each bottle is 60 100mg caps, so you'd need at least 2 bottles to do it. 1fast400