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  1. Z

    Different forms of creatine

    could anybody please post any references for this statement I need that info to post it on polish board ? THX
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    A few questions about creatine.

    Bryan or anybody else :D please make some references I need that info
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    I can't find any data to confirm this statement, please help
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    Need some input.

    hmm, not sure if I understand you correctly, but since on NHE only 1 to 2 last meals in the day are refeeding (every 3-4 days) , so it is hard to overeat (I am acctualy overeating during 2 meal, but no problem with accumulating bodyfat)
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    Need some input.

    I have to say that is pretty easy (even not counting calories)- again for me :) - so much fat in food reduce the appetite, so much, that I even (sometime) have to force myself to eating. sure calories out have to be > than in, but for me it is easier to do it on low carb diet
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    Need some input.

    tha's is why I prefer NHE over other low carb diets it calls for carbing every 3-4 days enough (for me) to do HST in standard 3 day a week :D
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    Natural Hormonal Enhancement Diet and HST workout?

    for me, after some months in NHE, it is better to go for mass, and diet in seperate cycles for diet I go with NHE, for mass (unfortunatelly only a little ) modified Zone (a'ka Keebler Elf)
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    Natural Hormonal Enhancement Diet and HST workout?

    yeah, I know NHE and using it with success as far as losing bodyfat is concern . I cannot say that works (for me) as bodybuiling diet (mass diet) (even bb version of NHE) maybe it was, because I was getting too little calories. As Lyle always says it is a matter of calories :D For me it is the...
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    Ketogenic diet

    Just take it as usually it will find the way to get into the muscle anyway IMO
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    fructose to glucose

    look at the link for more from Lyle but about postworkout
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    fructose to glucose

    BTW Lyle also mentioned it will be good idea to add little fructose (10-20g) to post workout drink :)
  12. Z

    fructose to glucose

    sadze ze z moim angielskim jest gorzej niz z twoim polskim :D jesli szukasz kogos z kim moglbys popisac po polsku jestem otwarty na propozycje znamy sie chyba juz tez z forum IART pozdrowienia ze Starego Kraju :D
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    Ephedrine HCL and ephedra extract.

    what do you think about green tea as substitute for ephedrine, someone on polish bodybuilding board mention that about 10cups of green tea is equal to daily dose of ECA stack??
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    THX, but I know this link, maybe some personal experiences, and more links to reaserches :D
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    I am looking for more info (research and personal experiences) with this product Ribose (it is entering polish market and I would like to know more)
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    fructose to glucose

    bardzo mi milo czyzby doglebna znajomosc polskiego ?? sorry folks for polish but it is nice to talk in own language
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    fat loss supplements

    I am looking for more info (research and personal experiences) with this product Ribose (it is entering polish markt and I would like to know more)
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    fructose to glucose

    From Lyle does it mean that frucose can't be taken in anyway into muscle cell?? Lyle THX edziu for advice on quoting
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    best links for info on keto?
