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  1. M

    Alternate-day PSMF

    I'm doing something similar but I fast & feast during the same day. I sleep at 1: 00 am and eat only 300 kcal or so until 14: 00 pm of the next day, then I workout and pig out for 9-10 hours until I sleep. Last week the average daily consumption was 4100 kcal, from which all but 300 were...
  2. M

    Clearification of how to choose the weights

    Many people would choose a less linear approach, so that there is some overlapping but the increments are bigger. Your current schedule: 15s: 250-260-270-280-290-300 10s: 310-320-330-340-350-360 5: 340-350-360-370-380-390 which could be: 15s: 200-220-240-260-280-300 10s...
  3. M

    vitamin b12

    Runners I know inject 1mg once a week for a month or two. If you think that you may have absorption problems with oral B12, there are also sublingual tablets. Do you have heartburns ?
  4. M

    l-carnitine and hst

    Bump (bump guinness record :D)
  5. M

    Buffering agents

    I take 20gr of the above mixture 1-2 hours before workouts with 500-1000ml water. All buffers are ridiculously cheap in chemicals stores and pharmacies.
  6. M

    Carbups and refeeds

    Lyle himself isn't impressed any more by the keto diet. I've been following the BO diaries, bought the book, watched the keto forum, and it's more than evident. I remember him saying in one interview "I really wanted it to be true [the better fat loss during keto diets] but it seems that...
  7. M

    Buffering agents

    Well, yes. I was thinking the 15s as a way to test the effectiveness of buffering agents supplementation and find an optimal dosing scheme. In the long term I would probably take buffering agents every day except for the 2 weeks of 5RM + dropsets. I would strive to maximize lactic acid effects...
  8. M

    Buffering agents

    No, citric acid does not alkalize the urine. It is an acid, so had it be taken alone it would decrease the pH. I guess it's there to increase solubility in water, stabilize the aqueous solution and perhaps make it more palatable. There are some studies showing a short-term benefit after...
  9. M

    Is it ok to do martial arts training during SD?

    It will affect deconditioning, no doubt about it. From whatever capoeira I've watched on TV it looks really hard. If you are trying to maintain muscle you may get away with it, but if you're trying to gain you will definitely need a proper SD.
  10. M

    Farting...smell getting worse!

    Probiotics are live harmless bacteria (it's alive! it's alive! ) in a capsule. When you take them they compete with gas-producing bacteria in your GI for the same resources, the bad bacteria are outnumbered and many of them die.
  11. M

    Farting...smell getting worse!

    1) Use smaller amounts of protein per meal, if you are taking 40gr x 5 try 20gr x 10 2) Try different protein powder, make sure the one you have is lactose - free 3) Try some probiotics
  12. M

    Eggs replacing whey

    100gr of egg whites: 10 prot - 1 carb - 0 fat - 47 kcal 100gr of whole eggs: 13 prot - 1 carb - 11 fat - 155 kcal An average egg would be: 13% shell 26% yolk 61% white
  13. M

    Buffering agents

    I've been recently using a combination of buffering agents to deal with the reportedly harmful metabolic acidosis. It's a powder (40% potassium citrate, 40% sodium citrate, 20% citric acid) and is usually prescribed to make urine more alkaline and prevent uric acid stones. I should have probably...
  14. M

    Sleep Reduction with ALCAR + l-theanine

    This seems interesting... why do you insist on maintenance calories ? Would green tea extract be an acceptable substitute for theanine ? (BTW, the Avant Labs forum URL is this)
  15. M

    Nicotine versus Creatine...

    I'll second that. When you understand that the most important thing is to change your mindset, everything is easier. Nicotine detoxification is really easy. I quit 2.5 years ago without any aids, although I've been a rather heavy smoker. Just woke up a morning and said 'no more'. I have done...
  16. M

    NY Times Vitamin article

    For your information and just off the top of my head, the full line of the following supplements companies is available here in Greece (and in almost every EU country): Chemical Nutrition - M Double You - EAS - Sledge Hammer - Inko Spor - Met-Rx - Lanes - Solgar - Health Aid - Scitec - Prolab -...
  17. M

    NY Times Vitamin article

    Are you trying to convince me that "EU has banned most vitamins" (your words) based on the absurd claims of HFM, a 'non profit' (ha-ha-ha) organization sponsored by vitamin manufacturers ? Well, then I guess all the vitamins & supplements I sell in my pharmacy must be placebo and I...
  18. M

    NY Times Vitamin article

    Hmmm.... obviously the vitamins did nothing to help your energy levels... perhaps switching to decaf would help ? :D EU has done what ? Where do you get your info from ?