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  1. M

    de novo fat synthesis from carbs

    Glucose (and aminoacids) give Acetyl-CoA, which is used for Palmitic acid synthesis, which is a fatty acid (can be converted to other fatty acids). Fatty acid synthesis is greatly regulated by the enzyme Acetyl-CoA-carboxylase. Besides allosteric regulation, this enzyme is also regulated by...
  2. M

    Lose body fat first or just bulk up

    It was a typo
  3. M

    Lose body fat first or just bulk up

    Any diet will do the trick, as long as: - You train with weights - Get adequate protein (2gr per lean kg) - Don't throw your calories ridiculously low for an extended amount of time Atkins is no faster than isocaloric or low fat diets. It's calories-in vs calories-out that counts.
  4. M

    Lose body fat first or just bulk up

    Diet down to 10% and then bulk up. Unless your long term goal is 17-18% bodyfat (which I doubt) in which case you can only diet down to around 15%. This is the long term plan, which may take you 1-2 years. You will inevitably have some well-contolled bulking periods during this time, but they...
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    The reason I said "I find it impossible" is that I can't think of many ways to lose muscle without losing fat, even if I wanted to, HST or no-HST. This could happen if: - You are an already very lean overmuscled guy - You stop lifting (HST or otherwise) - Your testosterone fell too...
  6. M


    I find it impossible for you to have lost everywhere else but waist. Girth measurements are bad. They are no way of following progress. My arms may easily be 1cm bigger or smaller during the same day. GI tract contents, level of hydration etc. affect them very much. You seem to have a very...
  7. M

    Tanita vs. 3-site method

    There are lots of formulas for women too. For example, for white women 18-55 yo: BD = 1.1470 - 0.00042930*S + 0.00000065*(S^2) - 0.00009975*B - 0.00062415*C where S is the sum of: Chest skinfold Mid-Axilla skinfold Triceps skinfold Subscapular skinfold Abdominal skinfold Suprailiac (or...
  8. M

    No DOMS after negatives

    How is it possible your 2RM not to be good enough for eccentrics ? You do 2 reps, you can't do a 3rd, so you just lower the weight... Perhaps you're using too heavy weights and so a smaller number of muscle fibres get activated ?
  9. M

    Body Fat Measure

    See this thread.
  10. M

    Fish, chronic low level methymercury intake.

    Indeed. Reportedly, Dorian's precontest diet included enormous quantities of crushed ice. The ancient oppressive bodybuilding taboos deterred him from following the inarguably more delectable beer & ice cream version of the diet.
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    Fish, chronic low level methymercury intake.

    And then there are the breatharians, the ultimate resort :D
  12. M

    Fish, chronic low level methymercury intake.

    Well, it may just be my idea, but I think that maybe, just MAYBE, I can perceive that Aaron is actually sharing with us an infinitesimal bit of concern about chronic mercury poisoning from fish :)
  13. M

    Casein in the UK

    Cottage cheese should be 10-15% protein, 3% carbs, 0-20% fat (normal cc is 20, but there are many low/zero fat varieties). Lactose in cheese usually is so little that doesn't cause any problems to lactose intolerant people. Most of it has been broken down (fermented into lactic acid). Same with...
  14. M

    I need to be hungrier!!

    robefc is right about the liquid meals, try devising shakes with everything you can think of: protein powder, fruits, yogurt, honey, plain sugar, olive oil, ground flax seeds, milk, eggs... basically anything that can be liquified or dissolved. Eat more calorie dense foods like all kinds of...
  15. M

    creatine cycling

    Compelling no, there isn't. It's more of a general precaution that I strive to follow with everything (even foods). But keep in mind that studies about chronic effects of supplements are extremely difficult to conduct. And by the time they are available it may be already too late. Even drugs (=...
  16. M

    creatine cycling

    This was a study in mice, but the creatine dose was comparable to what a human would take. See this article for discussion of the study. I don't know of any other studies, but then again there are not many studies investigating the chronic use of any supplement in humans (much more creatine, a...
  17. M

    creatine cycling

    I would suggest to cycle it, like everything else. While it is considered one of the safest supplements, there have been some alarming studies.
  18. M

    2 day split

    ... and if you want your arms to outgrow the rest of your body, you could try the reverse (since it will double the volume for arms).
  19. M

    HIIT total newbye

    Well, opinions vary. Runners say that treadmills are easier than track for people with long legs and big stride since they kind of 'jump'. The opposite for short striders. In any case, treadmills with speeds up to 25 km/h should be able to cover everyone except elite runners for 1 min sprints...