Search results

  1. M

    hunger suppressant

    Good luck with appetite suppressants, and if you find something please share it. I have tried everything I could get my hands on without avail. I have resorted to devouring mind-boggling quantities of cooked vegetables. Eating less but bigger meals may also help.
  2. M

    HIIT total newbye

    There are also some treadmills which have an 'intervals' program, where you can usually adjust the maximum speed and the duration of the bout.
  3. M

    Misc questions regarding 5s

    This could work as long as you keep yourself sufficiently warm. But of course, bringing the blood to the target muscle just before the heavy reps is better.
  4. M

    Misc questions regarding 5s

    After 15 mins of HIIT I don't feel the need for much warmup. I do warm up sets however in squats and deadlifts, but I start only in the 2nd week of 5s. During the 5RM/negs and even if you are already warm, 1-2 'acclimation' reps with weight 10% below your working weight are helpful. Not for...
  5. M

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    9--> This is exactly the reason why there is no definiton for 'cardio'; because there is no thick line between 'aerobic' and 'anaerobic'. Both pathways are active at all times, in fact we are more 'aerobic' than 'anaerobic' even when we lift heavy. When exactly does an exercise classify for...
  6. M

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    There is no universally accepted definition for 'cardio'. For example, one definition is that "cardio is any activity that elevates your heart rate for at least 20 minutes". By that definition, HIIT may very well not be cardio. For me, cardio is whatever activity can be sustained for...
  7. M


    It is a disorder, orthorexia nervosa :) See also this article by Bryan. But this doesn't mean that a bodybuilder's diet isn't far more healthy than the average uninformed person's. Perhaps it's time to give a name to the disorder of eating crap all day without thinking the least on how it...
  8. M

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    If you find that you are excessively hungry most of the day, try to eat 2-3 bigger meals instead of 5-6 smaller, and move them earlier in the day. I have found it helps my satiety.
  9. M

    Serious question

    This reminds me of this guy in the guinness book who ate a whole car, complete with engine, plastic parts and tires over a year's time. Hmmm... with a little ketchup it won't be bad :D
  10. M

    Ineffective calories ?

    stevie, Yes, obviously what doesn't get absorbed will be excreted. I was wondering when exactly do we surpass our body's ability to absorb. Calkid, I had been believing the same thing for years, now I don't. As far as fat storage is concerned, it seems that you will not get any fatter if...
  11. M

    ? for those who don't get enough protein

    I get nutritional info from the USDA search page. They also have the full database and an accompanying program available for download. Unfortunately I count everything because it helps me to be disciplined. I'd like to be one of those guys who can bulk and cut without any kind of calorie...
  12. M

    Ineffective calories ?

    Is there any rhythm of ingesting food beyond which we can assume that extra calories will not increase our weight ? For example, if someone were to drink 2 kg of olive oil throughout a day can we say that all of the 18000 kcals will be used and stored by the body ? What if he drank this oil in a...
  13. M

    taking a break from dieting?

    Low carb is not the only way to diet. Changing to low fat for a while and having 2-3 meals per day may help. A good amount of carbs is recommended during the 15s. I can't really say if you should break your diet because I don't know how strict your diet is, what are your average calories per...
  14. M

    Weight loss during SD

    If you gain 0.5 lean kg every cycle and do 5 cycles / year, then in 5 years you will have gained 12.5 muscular kg which will be a tremendous change to your physique. This is what most people should expect, and that only if they do everything by the book (training, nutrition etc.). And 0.5 kg do...
  15. M

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    We've been talking about knees in squats in this thread. It seems simple to me, just squat without any weight and try to reproduce your natural movement and stance when loaded.
  16. M

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    This is the other side of the coin.
  17. M

    Help - fake whey?

    No, that shouldn't worry you. The process may include agglomeration and instantization to improve mixing. In such a case there will be absolutely no thickness. For example, another German company (Hammer) produces a more expensive protein that never gives thick solutions and a cheaper one which...
  18. M

    Could use some guidance

    You do have to lean forward, or else it's a triceps exercise. You need reasonably wide bars so that pecs do not enter active insufficiency, but not too wide because of passive insufficiency, reduced ROM and shoulder stress. If it feels narrow, then it probably is. Try to lean forward as much as...
  19. M

    Glucosamine + Condroiton

    Just glucosamine seems to be fine. There's a big study going on that will better answer your question but it will be completed in 2005.
  20. M

    Help me with my Post Workout Shake

    Use dextrose (= glucose) instead of maltodextrin and get it from a drugstore or pharmacy or chemicals store. It will do the same thing and is much cheaper.