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  1. Blade

    How to SD?

    1- What "ill explained article" are you referring to? The two-part article in norwegian Muscle Media? I've gotten loads of compliments via e-mails, phone calls, on norwegian discussion forums, and from publishers. Your opinion is a first, but every opinion is welcome, of course. Would...
  2. Blade

    How to SD?

    Lose the attitude. There is a reason why you get these kind of reactions, my good man... This has to be the first time I've encountered someone with these kind of problems on his 3rd day of rest - including professional athletes. I doubt that your problems are as much of a physical as they are...
  3. Blade

    How to SD?

    Is this a joke?
  4. Blade

    Is Strategic Deconditioning Systemic or Local?

    After weeks of heavy training I feel the 1-2 weeks of rest really does my body and mind a lot of good. When I begin training again, my muscles are primed for growth, pains and aches are gone, and my motivation and focus is up at 110%.
  5. Blade

    How to SD?

    I'm not a religous person myself, but I think it is refreshing that we can keep this forum free of swearing in every other sentence, as you see on most other forums on the Internet.
  6. Blade

    How to SD?

    The same goes for stretching a muscle btw - depending on duration and tension, it would also induce RBE to a significant degree. The best SD would just be lying or sitting around all day and doing nothing. After over a year of HST, I'm beginning to get quite good at it... :D
  7. Blade

    Sleep Reduction with ALCAR + l-theanine

    Wow, didn't see this post until now... That would be great, but I actually think there are regulations against this, too. In fact, this is one of the reasons why we haven't started distributing Bryan's HSN line in Norway yet - first there was a problem with the specific sweetener being used...
  8. Blade

    I am 18 years old..Any supps I can take?

    Caps or lemon flavored fish oil (the one I just love) shouldn't make the fish burps as bad. Fish burps tend to go away after a couple of weeks when you use the oil regularly. It's not an expensive addition to your diet, so I would consider the cost/benefit ratio excellent. 1-6g of fish oil isn't...
  9. Blade

    I am 18 years old..Any supps I can take?

    I think you should spend your money on buying nutritious and healthy food instead. Sorting out your diet will aid more in adding muscle than what any legally sold supplement would do - at your age, your body is still producing lots of growth hormone and testosterone, so take advantage of that...
  10. Blade

    Should I use CLA while bulking or just save money?

    Some of the isomers are specific to CLA, and are non-existent or in low quantities in other EFAs.
  11. Blade

    Muscle Building Nutrition

    I agree on both of these points. So, given the information you have provided on the fringe benefits attached to buying the book, it looks like the book should be well worth the money. Regards, Blade
  12. Blade

    4wk t-1prohormone cycle

    You can read more about it in this article by Bill Roberts.
  13. Blade

    4wk t-1prohormone cycle

    5--> This is a good plan IMO. If you can get Nolvadex, do 20mg/day beginning 2-3 days prior to ending the cycle. I prefer Nolva, but Clomid should also work for you at 50mg/day. 3-4 weeks use should be sufficient, or until you feel "normalized". The best would be to get an actual...
  14. Blade

    Muscle Building Nutrition

    There really isn't much new under the sun when it comes to diet. If you want to make some money, I guess it is a great idea to rehash some of the current or past dieting principles in a different packaging or under a catchy name. Will Brink is a very knowledgeable guy, but I doubt there will be...
  15. Blade

    Is Musashi Creatine fake?

    As long as it's pure creatine, preferably the micronized kind to avoid gastric upset, no amount of bells and whistles will make any real difference.
  16. Blade

    I cannot get the burn

    The production of lactate and hydrogen ions (the latter is one cause of the burning feeling) is dependent on sufficient glycogen stores. So if you're skimping on the carbs, it might be worth it to increase them. This is especially true during the 15s, as the high rep work tends to deplete your...
  17. Blade

    No DOMS after negatives

    There is a thread in the FAQ on DOMS. It is not a requirement for growth, nor is it something that necessarily indicates a good workout. A mild type of stretch or soreness deep within your muscle bellies is the feeling you're looking for. If your joints are starting to ache, it is time to do SD.
  18. Blade

    Cardio timing/6-day HST routine

    I think it would be very hard for the both of you to add any muscle doing cardio in addition to 6x/week training. I actually don't think cardio would be necessary if this was a cutting cycle either, given the overall volume and training frequency. This is an example of what I often see in those...
  19. Blade

    Misc questions regarding 5s

    Yes, yes, and yes. Or you could start out doing dropsets for half the body one session per week, and for the other half the next session just to see how it affects you.
  20. Blade

    Fish, chronic low level methymercury intake.

    Alright - this goes in my files.