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  1. A

    Johnston Rep Method

    Mike, I have answered as directly as possible without going way out on a limb. The POINT was that physiology doesn’t say anything definitive with regards to this method. Moreover, it many ways physiology falls short thus far. The references in the book were just speculation of possible...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    To coin the popular phrase around here – It SEEMS as though you made up your minds before this discussion ever got started. Forget blaming Johnston, he clearly came by to clarify misrepresentation – not to promote of sell anything. The rest is just a pissing contest for what that may be worth...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    mikeynov, Seriously though, invite Hahn here, it'd be funny Me, Funny? - Aaron_F wouldnt duelling with studies actually require studies on your behalf? other wise its a one legged man in an @$$ kicking contest. Me, Yes and dueling Banjo's would require my plunking away on one of those...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Dan, See this is my whole issue with J-Reps or any other "my program is better than your program E-Book". The books cite and refer to physiological findings to build a sense of credibility. Therefore, in my mind, the interpretations by the author should be open to discussion but so far...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Mike, I am not playing games here, get off that kick please. I have no love for Hahn but you are now just being childish and insulting. This medium (an internet message board) isn't well suited for playing dueling studies. I am interested in useful everyday applications that work and can be...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Dan and Mike, you are both listed as HS friends and HST experts. Your last 2 posts read (IMO) as mild sarcasm and politically correct denigration. Anyone can sit around with the latest physiology texts and cherry pick sections. Regardless of how pure your intent it is all simply...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Dan (DKM1987), You are reading far too much “into” what Johnston wrote about pump, muscle size increase vs. force output and MU activation. The micro physiology going on here is a big maybe or unknown at this time. Just as it is a big guess as far as muscle (eccentric) lengthening goes...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Dan (dkm1987), I haven’t followed this thread from the beginning (there are pages and pages or nitter-natter), thus I may be missing your points and questions. What can I answer “specifically” for you? I’m not trying to make arguments where there are none, nor am I trying to sell anything. In...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    How about the stuff I added at the end of page 11!? Regards, Andrew
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Just in case it was missed, Mike N. An dkm1987, I did post replies to you both on the botttm of page 11. I tried to be explicit and helpful. The natural bodybuilder at: Mike L. is performing a JReps experiment, there is a link to see and read about it on the right...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    cli·ni·cian (kl -n sh n) n. 1. A health professional, such as a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or nurse, involved in clinical practice, as distinguished from one specializing in research. 2. A health professional who practices at a clinic. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Dkm1987, [Just like they can't answer how strength is is diminished via gettting larger muscles.] You are exaggerating a valid point. As a muscle grows larger its possible force output does not grow comparibly (to that of earlier size increases). This is because a muscle only "pulls&quot...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Mike N. , What fibers are recruited, and when is determined by load and by cumulative fatigue. I don't recall Johnston ever suggesting that M.U. are recruited progressively towards the center as a muscle contracts, thus your questions seems somewhat "off" so to speak. I take it this...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Fitness Doctor? Not sure why you would mix up “clinician” with MD but I have no intention on being misleading. There are far too many completely out of shape MD’s for that mix up to be a honest one ;^). One could simply go to to verify my credentials so to speak. A -...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Hello, my first time to this board and as a contributor to the JReps book I couldn't help but chime in ;^) The problem with explaining is; this isn't a particular rep performance like a rest-pause or stutter rep. Like blitzing it is a method that needs to be understood then applied by the...