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  1. M

    Vacations and HST

    How best do you restart HST after interrupting a cycle? I'll be away for a couple of weeks between my 10s and 5s. Should I pick up where I left off or start back at the 15s? Thanks, MtM
  2. M

    Last 5's??

    Thanks John. You've answered my questions... I thought I was on the right track, but I just wanted to be sure! It can be challenging navigating the forums for information. There's lots here in the forums, but some of it's pretty well tucked away. I'm sure there's lots of repetition here - same...
  3. M

    Last 5's??

    Hi, I'm new to HST. I've been doing HIT and I'm interested in trying this regimen. I've read the posts, the FAQs and the web pages and I've got some questions: 1. After the cycles of 15s, 10s and 5s, I've seen that you can do another cycle of 5s. This last cycle before SD can be done in...