Anyone familiar with Creatine Citrate?


New Member
I've heard that this is a better form of creatine. That it is more for lean body mass as opposed to the Mono which is a lot of water weight. Is the Creatine Citrate better? Thanks!
It's no better, but probably more expensive.

All of the reseacrh done into creatine has been done using monohydrate. It's proven, any other form will produce comparable results. It's just a means of getting it into your body.
As blade pointed out in its faq section...the form of creatine doesnt matter that much, your cells can save a certain amount of it and then bump no you cant get in here anymore mr creatine...therefore the form doesent matter

correct me if im wrong blade
but I dont understand why the delivery is that important? when the cell is full it is full bump...
but I dont understand why the delivery is that important? when the cell is full it is full bump...and even when the biovailability is much higher then normal creatine+dextrose...the price is just WOAHAAHA
hyperinsulinaemia aids in getting creatine into the cell, but you have to take large quantities of sugars for this.

The same amount of Creatine will get into the cell anyway, it just takes a small amount longer.