Are creatine mixtures beneficial?


New Member
I got my mesomorphosis newsletter the other day. It had a question and answer review about creatine. Author L. Rea suggested taking creatine with the following ingredients...alpha lipoic acid/and or 50mg of D-pinitol,250-500mg of table salt,4-25 of Glutamine, 25g of malt extract(high glycemic sugar), and 30-50g of whey protein. I just bought some of HST's creatine. Should add some or all of these ingredients to my HST creatine? Opinions wanted. Thanks Tommy
Dear ttboyy2k,

Replying in specific:
taking creatine with the following ingredients...

alpha lipoic acid/and or 50mg of D-pinitol,

>>>>>Alpha lipoic Acid (ALA) doesn't survive the ravages of your gut. And it requires taking rather large amounts to work even if it did survive your gut. As for D-pinitol, it helps in blood glucose control in hypoinsulinaemic mice... if one is non-diabetic and appears useless for non-diabetics or those with severe insulin resistance. Taking that little bit of D-pinitol will do squat compared to what your own insulin would do.

250-500mg of table salt,

>>>>> Well, how might one measure a quarter to a half gram of table salt at home? Why not just a pinch of salt or a light shake? I did read somewhere though, that creatine is coupled with sodium transport. This doesn't mean adding salt to your creatine drinks. Unless you are on a salt restricted diet, your normal diet would provide ample sodium required for coupled transport.

4-25 of Glutamine,

>>>>> Four to twenty-five...? Why the great range? Due to cost constraints? Glutamine doesn't get past one's gut, so it doesn't do much in terms of saturating your muscles. I'd leave this out if I were you. Besides, a quality whey powder would already have high levels of L-gluatamine. Assuming the glutamine makes it through the gut, taking a single amino acid in isolation might just disrupt the biologicallg synergistic ratios that amino acids require to work best and in this way causing a relative defiency of the other amino acids.

25g of malt extract(high glycemic sugar),

>>>>> Nothing very wrong with this one really. Just that it requires 75gm of high GI carbs to create the insulin spike needed for any real boost in creatine uptake, so 25g falls far from the 75gm.

and 30-50g of whey protein.

>>>> Well, this appears to be some sort of MRP recipe... but you'd go mad trying to concoct it on your own and it would be much better to buy one that has it all pre-mixed.... was there an accompanying advertisement to that recipe? But taking your creatine with your whey protein should be fine really. If I were you, I'd add 5g or so of creatine with a serving of protein shake that would give me about 30g or so protein. The rest of the ingredients are really, irrelevant except for the malt extract which I'd add if I were on a TKD or just for extra flavour.

I just bought some of HST's creatine. Should add some or all of these ingredients to my HST creatine? Opinions wanted. Thanks Tommy

>>>> Well, add ample water to your creatine, and some whey powder if you like.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)