

New Member
Is adding a low dose aspirin a good idea? I know some cons are GI complications and possible T decreases (prog. production). Positives are the health benefits in regards to heart disease and cancers. Is there similar effects with fish oil supplements? Thank you in advance.

Keep on keeping on
Aspirin and hyboprufen (spelling?) chronic use are not a good ideia in what concerns muscle buiding. They both lower protein synthesis significantly. Why not just take the fish oils?
Why should you worry about heart disease ? The only ones who take aspirin every day are middle aged people with high blood pressure and high risk for thrombosis. Small daily doses *may* be helpful in avoiding clotting. GI complications is not a problem though, since there are enteric coated tablets (they dissolve in the guts). Aspirin cannot replace fish oil in any way. Fish oils are absolutely necessary for a multitude of reasons.
I would take it for medicinal effects. Why use ASA as a secondary prevention when it can be used as a primary? I already take 1 TBSP of cod liver oil a day, just wondering if the anti-inflammation effects were similar.
Of course aspirin is a much more potent anti-inflammatory. Effective doses however would not be the low ones used for prevention.

I don't see why you would like to reduce inflammation on a permanent basis. Some chemical agents that are released during normal post-workout muscle inflammation are actually signals for growth.

Besides, taking painkillers while working out may mask a pain that would have made you stop otherwise. This might prove very dangerous...