BCAA supplements


New Member
If one has an adequate diet (sufficient protein, and predominantly whole-food sources), especially in regard to pre- and post-workout meals, why would one want/need to consider the use of a BCAA supplement, such as ICE or the like? Is the higher concentration of BCAA's from the supp really going to make any measurable difference?

I have read that they may be of use around workouts when in a restricted carb diet, to stimulate insulin.

Additionally, some info I have seen have suggested that BCAA mega-doses (20-50g, around workout) would be required, and even then the effect would be minor & definitely not worth the cost.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Arbitro @ Jan. 07 2004,1:36)]I have read that they may be of use around workouts when in a restricted carb diet, to stimulate insulin.
What kind of logic is this? So whoever applied this is stating that CHO mediated insulin is different than BCAA (protein) mediated insulin. That is priceless.
That was the thought (basically) that I had; protein can trigger insulin as well. My understanding of these mechanisms, I admit, is not as deep as others.

This logic was the essence of a couple responses to this thread at Avant.

Was hoping Bryan might have a thought on this as well.
Dear Abitro,

BCAAs can have an effect on blood glucose levels. Notably, L-Leucine has insulinogenic properties.

On a grander scale, protein foods can also be insulinogenic.

In this contex, we must take insulinogenic to mean "induce cells to store nutrients".

This can be a good thing, especially post-workout. Some studies have shown that after weight-lifting, the muscles are insulin resistant due to microtrauma. Thus, taking the post-workout carb-meal can be futile if this is apparent. But the muscle must have other ways of repair, and this is likely to occur via non-insulin mediated pathways such as activation of GLUT 4 transporters via L-Leucine, perhaps.

Do a search on PubMed "branch chain amino acids glucose homeostasis" or even "leucine insulinogenic" and see what happens. Could be quite interesting really.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)