Bromocriptine for fat loss!


New Member
I've sent off for Lyle McDonald's book about Bromocriptine. Has anyone tried it, and if so what was your results as far as fat loss is concerned? Also, what side effects might I expect to have?
I tried it for 3 weeks or so. Started with 1.25 mg each morning, every 3-4 days I increased the dose by 1.25mg, up to 6.25mg. I eventually stopped it because it didn't reduce my appetite. Well, actually there was a slight decrease sarting 2-3 hours after I took the pill, but it didn't last for long. And it wasn't exactly a "decreased appetite"; I was feeling remotely nauseus, so I didn't want to eat anything for a couple of hours or so.

A good side effect is increased sex drive and delayed ejaculation. Hmmm... I might resume it some time in the future

Bromocriptine suppresses prolactin, but prolactin is only one of the many hormones/peptides involved in appetite control. While it didn't do much for me, there are others who reportedly have experienced significant appetite reduction.