Bulk Protein

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I`m considering making a purchase of bulk calcium caseinate. I found a place that sells 55lb sacks for next to nothing. There`s a catch of course. It`s all unflavored (blech). Obviously unflavored protein is about the nastiest stuff you could ever want to consume on a regular basis but what can I do to make this stuff relatively sufferable? I`ve considered the following
1) Mixing maybe 1 to 4 ratio of flavored whey with the unflavored
2) Purchasing some type of commercial flavor additive
3) Some other type of home brew (i.e. cocoa powder and sucralose)
I`d like to know if anyone out there has tried something similar and had success with it.
If carbs are not a factor, mixing it with OJ makes a decent smoothie. If carbs are a factor, then use Crystal Light, or Sugar Free Nestle Quick is a good flavor addition as well. Where did you get such a bulk of calcium casseinate? And how much? Are you worried about spoilage?

Unfortunately, my body doesn`t work too well with high GI foods so OJ is out. I like the crystal lite or Sugar Free Nestle idea. I should be able to tolerate that. With a shelf life of 2 years I`m not too concerned about it going bad before I finish it. I think I`m gonna go for it. I`ll still continue to buy my whey protein retail and fully flavored though. Whey is just too cheap and some of the flavors out there are mind-blowing!
Keep it well sealed, in a dark, cool area. The shelf life is usually for a sealed product, and open milk powder is a pretty good breeding ground for little bugs. Caseinate wont be as bad, but it still can spoil within the shelf life.
also you can purchase good flavorings (or so I am told) from trueprotien.com and one other place I cant rememebr its name.
Well, I chicken'd out and bought from proteinfactory.com. Cheapest source of casein I've yet to find (with flavor). Shipping was quite reasonable and I live overseas. I wanted to buy driver but it's just too dear.

In support of HSN and Bryan's outstanding work, I did buy 6 cans of primer recently. It's reasonably enough priced although I will still also buy my Dymatize Elite and ON.
My casein from protein factory arrived and whoa is it lacking in flavor. I suppose you get what you pay for. Mixing it with water is a very good way to make cement, apparently. Even though it came flavored, or so they claim, I will make a seperate purchase of a flavoring system from blackstarlabs. Yes, it`s that lacking in flavor.

Not to complain too much because I do feel much better the following day when I gag this down before bed. I`ve also experimented with mixing this in a 1 to 1 ratio with a very strong flavored whey (ON Choc. Mint) and with milk it`s not too bad. I`ll definately be giving Driver a try when this is gone.

15lbs. of this to go through. Oh the humanity
Just a quick update. I`ve found that a 1 to 2 or 1 to 3 ratio of the bulk casein and whey with milk is completely fine. Although not part of this thread, I`ve also added cider vinegar to my regimine. I can`t tell if it`s the vinegar, the casein, or both but without changing my diet (except for substituting casein for whey much of the time), I have been losing fat and gaining faster than in previous cycles. I just finished my 15`s and I have put on noticeable mass.

That`s it for now.